4th International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF)
Date: 6/2/2025
We are pleased to announce that the "4th International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF)" will be held on 17 May 2025 (Sat). Registration is open.
Happy Lunar New Year, Year of the Snake!! Thanks Dr. Lugee Liyeung for helping to design this amazing electronic Lunar New Year card for our department.
Postgraduate Orthopaedics International FRCS (Tr&Orth) Revision Course Hong Kong 2025
Date: 24/1/2025
We are pleased to announce that the "Postgraduate Orthopaedics International FRCS (Tr&Orth) Revision Course Hong Kong 2025" will be held on 17-22 Mar 2025 (Mon-Sat).
This 6-day course is designed to provide high yield orthopaedic topics and preparation for the International FRCS (Tr&Orth) exam. It is internationally accredited by the RCSEng the only FRCS (TR&Orth) course worldwide with this accolade.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thanks Dr. Lugee Liyeung for helping to design this wonderful electronic season's greeting card for our department.
Joint Symposium of Pre-MRN & AoE
Date: 3/12/2024
Joint Symposium of Pre-MRN & AoE was successfully held in the Cho Yiu Conference Hall, G/F, University Administration Building, CUHK on 23 November 24. Here are some of the highlights.
The 44th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 2 - 3 Nov, 2024
Date: 2/12/2024
The 44th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 2 - 3 Nov, 2024:
AR Hodgson Award for Best Clinical Paper: - Prof. Adam Yiu-Chung LAU
"Preventing Curve Progression and the Need for Bracing in Early Diagnosed Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis with 3-year Calcium Plus Vitamin D Supplementation – A Randomized Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Trial"
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Dr. Florence Ou-Suet PANG
"Is Vitamin D Good for Muscle? A Preclinical Study Elucidating the Vital Role of Cyp27b1 in Muscle Mitochondrial Function"
The Best Poster Award: - Prof. Pauline Po-Yee LUI
"Selenium Nanoparticle-Loaded Hydrogel Promoted Tendon Healing with Reduced Inflammation and Fibrosis"
Prof. Ronald Man-Yeung WONG won the Prof. Shew-Ping Chow Award for Best paper on Trauma. Prof. Michael Tim-Yun ONG won the Smith and Nephew Best Paper Presentation Award in Sports Medicine Chapter (Gold Award). Prof. Pauline Po-Yee LUI won the Smith and Nephew Best Paper Presentation Award in Sports Medicine Chapter (Silver Award). Prof. Adam Yiu-Chung LAU won the Best Paper Award of Paediatric Orthopaedic Chapter. Congratulations!!
25th Anniversary of the Orthopaedic Learning Centre
Date: 19/11/2024
25th Anniversary of the Orthopaedic Learning Centre "Evening Seminar" and "Symposium on Orthopaedic Training, Education and Innovation" were successfully held on 15-16 November 2024 and we all had a wonderful day. Here are some of the highlights.
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture by Prof Jae Chul Yoo
Date: 2/11/2024
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture by Prof Jae Chul Yoo “Subscapularis Tendon Tear: Current Review” was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 1 November 24. Here are some of the highlights.
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture by Prof Jae Chul Yoo
Date: 22/10/2024
We are pleased to announce that the "Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture by Prof Jae Chul Yoo" will be held on 1 Nov 2024 (Fri). Registration is open.
Subscapularis Tendon Tear: Current Review
1 Nov 2024 (Fri)
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, North Wing, Prince of Wales Hospital
25th Anniversary of the Orthopaedic Learning Centre
Date: 12/9/2024
For celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, we are pleased to announce that an “Evening Seminar” and a “Symposium on Orthopaedic Training, Education and Innovation” will be held on November 15 and 16, 2024 respectively. Details are as follows:
Evening Seminar
November 15, 2024 (Friday)
17:30 – 18:30
Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong
Symposium on Orthopaedic Training, Education and Innovation
November 16, 2024 (Saturday)
8:30 – 17:00
9/F Auditorium, CUHK Medical Centre, Shatin, Hong Kong
Department wins 3 awards at the Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival 2024
Date: 5/8/2024
Congratulations to our colleagues for winning three awards—one gold medal and two silver medals—at the Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival 2024.
The Silicon Valley International Inventions Festival brings together innovators from 40 countries and regions to showcase interesting inventions in the US. The festival is under the patronage of the City of Santa Clara, the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). SVIIF was created to publicise state-of-the-art inventions from around the world and provide a unique opportunity for inventors to receive not only high-ranking international awards for their inventions but also to cultivate the American market in the heart of inventions, Silicon Valley.
Principal investigator and team members
Project title
Gold Medal
Professor Pauline Lui Po-yee, Professor Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Mr Ma Zebin
A Breakthrough Discovery in Tendinopathy Treatment: the World’s First Injectable Fatty Acid-binding Protein 4 Inhibitor-loaded Hydrogel
Silver Medal
Professor Elvis Chui Chun-sing, Professor Louis Cheung Wing-hoi, Professor Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Professor Qin Ling
Artificial Intelligence-assisted Orthopaedic Prosthesis Design and Surgical Planning System
Silver Medal
Professor Jerry Xu Jiankun, Professor Qin Ling, Professor Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Professor Tong Wenxue, Professor Michael Ong Tim-yun, Mr Zhang Haozhi
Mag Med Solutions Boost Endogenous Regeneration
Source from CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office
CUHK Sports Biomechanics Research Summit 2024 was successfully held in the 209, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 27-28 July 24.
With the latest technological advancements and recent innovations in sports biomechanics, this 2-day research summit aims to provide a platform for international researchers working on biomechanics in the field of sports medicine and sport science to gather their known best practices, latest technological advances, and new evidence-based research. Most importantly, it provides a good opportunity for both local and international early-career researchers to present their latest achievements, and explore new research directions and collaborations around the world.
This summit includes seven thematic areas: Biomechanics of ankle sprain and instability, Computational biomechanics and wearable technology to measure ankle biomechanics, Ankle and footwear biomechanics in dance and running, Biomechanics of the shoulder joint in sports, CUHK Project Presentation, Biomechanics of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury & Biomechanics of knee osteoarthritis and replacement.
Translational European Asian Network (TEA-NET) European Delegation Academic Exchange Visiting Program
Date: 10/7/2024
CUHK has hosted a two-day exchange programme for its European partners in the Translational European-Asian Network (TEA-NET), which was formed last December to foster research collaborations and exchanges in translational medicine.
A delegation of leaders and scholars from the three institutions in Europe: Semmelweis University, Academia Europaea, and National Academy of Scientist Education of Hungary visited CUHK on 16 and 17 May.
At the symposium held at Cho Yiu Conference Hall on 16 May, the delegates gave an introduction of their own organisations and the programmes and strategies in translational medicine. CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellors Professor Sham Mai-har and Professor Chan Wai-yee delivered welcoming remarks and gave an introduction of the University. Professor Qin Ling, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and also the executive director of TEA-NET, outlined the work of the new network.
The delegation visited the Faculty of Medicine the next day. At Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building, they were received by Dean of Medicine Professor Philip Chiu Wai-yan, before joining different topical discussions with specialists from the faculty.
TEA-NET was established by CUHK and the European institutions last year as an extension of Academia Europaea’s translational medicine working group, which processes and analyses high-quality data collected in the field of biomedical sciences with full European coverage, to include Asian research and joint projects. The new network aims to facilitate cross-fertilisation of ideas among academics and nurture excellent researchers and clinical scientists in the field.
The network membership also included CUHK’s collaborating institutions in Shenzhen, including Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technologies, CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute, and CUHK Hong Kong–Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Research Institute (Futian). The University will serve as a vibrant platform for the network’s educational, research, and clinical activities. It will also secure financial resources necessary for its advancement and growth.
3rd International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF)
Date: 16/5/2024
3rd International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF) was successfully held in the Hotel ICON, 17 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong on 11-12 May 24. Here are some of the highlights.
Open Lecture Series 1 "The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Tips for Getting Published" by Professor Mohit Bhandari
Date: 9/5/2024
Open Lecture Series 1 "The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Tips for Getting Published" by Professor Mohit Bhandari, Visiting Professor; Designated Distinguished University Professor, Chair of Surgery, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University; Canada Research Chair, McMaster University, Center For Health Economics & Policy Analysis (CHEPA); Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 23 April 2024. Here are some of the highlights.
Open Lecture Series 2 "Technical tips of running multi-center Randomized controlled trial (RCT)" by Professor Mohit Bhandari
Date: 9/5/2024
Open Lecture Series 2 "Technical tips of running multi-center Randomized controlled trial (RCT)" by Professor Mohit Bhandari, Visiting Professor; Designated Distinguished University Professor, Chair of Surgery, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University; Canada Research Chair, McMaster University, Center For Health Economics & Policy Analysis (CHEPA); Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 24 April 2024. Here are some of the highlights.
Department wins 7 awards at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva
Date: 29/4/2024
Congratulations to our colleagues for winning seven awards—four gold medals and three silver medals—at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2024.
The International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva is the world's largest exhibition dedicated exclusively to inventions. All exhibited inventions undergo evaluation by an international jury comprised of specialists. This year, the exhibition featured over 1,000 inventions from more than 40 countries and regions.
Principal investigator and team members
Project title
Gold Medal
Professor Jerry Xu Jiankun, Professor Qin Ling, Professor Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Zhang Haozhi, Professor Michael Ong Timyun, Lei Lei, Wen Zhenkang, An Yuanming, Chen Xin, Dai Bingyang, Zhang Yuantao, Guo Jiaxin
Regenerative Enhancers (Mag Med Biotech)
Gold Medal
Professor Elvis Chui Chun-sing, Professor Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Professor Ronald Wong Man-yeung, Professor Michael Ong Timyun, Professor Louis Cheung Wing-hoi
Ultrasound-Based Navigation System for Minimally Invasive Fracture Reduction
Gold Medal
Professor Elvis Chui Chun-sing, Professor Louis Cheung Wing-hoi, Professor Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Professor Qin Ling, Dr Kevin Ho Kiwai
Automated Patient-Specific Prosthesis Design System for Bone Defects
Gold Medal
Professor Elvis Chui Chun-sing, Professor Louis Cheung Wing-hoi
Deep learning method and system for bone health status evaluation and osteoporosis diagnosis
Silver Medal
Professor Qin Ling, Professor Jerry Xu Jiankun, Professor Tong Wenxue, Professor Michael Ong Tim-yun, Professor Ronald Wong Manyeung, Dr Zhang Qida, Yuantao Zhang, Qing Lu
Hybrid Implants for Handling Challenging Bone Disorders
Silver Medal
Professor Tong Wenxue, Professor Qin Ling, Professor Jerry Xu Jiankun, Professor Ronald Wong Man-yeung, Zu Haiyue, Zhou Liangbin
Magnesium-based Orthopaedic Implants, for a Better Joint
Silver Medal
Professor Pauline Lui Po-yee, Professor Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Ma Zebin
Injectable FABP4i@Hydrogel for Treating Degenerative Tendon/Ligament Injuries
Source from CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office
Open Lecture by Prof. Philip Turner, the CUHK External Examiner in Orthopaedic Surgery
Date: 10/4/2024
Open Lecture by Prof. Philip Turner, the CUHK External Examiner in Orthopaedic Surgery was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 9 April 24. Here are some of the highlights.
3rd International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF)
Date: 28/3/2024
We are pleased to announce that the "3rd International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF)" will be held on 11-12 May 2024 (Sat-Sun). Registration is open.
Open Lecture by Prof Philip Turner, the CUHK External Examiner in Orthopaedic Surgery
Date: 12/3/2024
Why are Knee Replacements Failing in 2024?
Prof Philip TURNER
(Consultant Orthopaedic Knee Surgeon, Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport
Honorary Professor, School of Health Sciences, University of Salford)
9 April 2024 (Tuesday)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T. (map)
Happy Lunar New Year, Year of the Dragon!! Thanks Dr. SW Law for helping to design this wonderful electronic Lunar New Year card for our department. [ View Video Online ]
The 43rd Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 4 - 5 Nov, 2023
Date: 4/1/2024
The 43rd Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 4 - 5 Nov, 2023:
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Prof. Ronald MY Wong
"From clinical to benchside: Probiotics Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii treats sarcopenia in aged mice through regulation of mitochondria function"
The Best Paper Award for Trainee Member: - Dr. Ashley YY Wong
"Targeting subchondral bone osteocytes by magnet guided anti-H19 delivery for osteoarthritis treatment: a preclinical study"
The Best Poster Award: - Mr. Zhaowei Jiang
"Tibial Cortex Transverse Transport (TTT) enhances mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs) mobilization via SDF-1/CXCR4 signalling pathway for accelerating diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) healing"
Dr. Gloria YT Lam won the Dr. David Fang Trophy in the AJR Chapter. Prof. Samuel KK Ling won the Best Paper Award in Foot & Ankle Chapter. Dr. Adam YC Lau won the Best Paper Award of Paediatric Orthopaedic Chapter. Dr. Jimmy KY Lau won the Best Paper Award in Spine Chapter. Dr. Florence OU Pang won the Silver Award and Dr. Jonathan Ng won the Bronze Award of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Prof. Ronald MY Wong won the Prof. SP Chow Award for Best paper of Trauma Chapter. Congratulations!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thanks Dr. Lugee Liyeung for helping to design this amazing electronic season's greeting card for our department.
40th Anniversary Event: Webinar Series - “New age of SMART technology: AI, big data and robotics in Sports Medicine and Arthroplasty”
Date: 18/12/2023
We are pleased to announce that the sixth webinar of our Webinar Series “New age of SMART technology: AI, big data and robotics in Sports Medicine and Arthroplasty” will be held on December 20 at 6:00 – 7:20pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8). Registration is open.
Norwegian knee Ligament Registry: Worlds First Nationwide ACL Registry Artificial Intelligence in Orthopaedics: An Emergent Investigation
40th Anniversary Event: Webinar Series - “Paediatric Orthopaedics”
Date: 29/11/2023
We are pleased to announce that the sixth webinar of our Webinar Series “Paediatric Orthopaedics” will be held on December 6 at 6:00 – 7:40pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8). Registration is open.
Management of DDH from birth to 2 yrs Perthes disease
40th Anniversary of CUHK PWH Orthopaedics & Traumatology cum 25th Anniversary of AHNH & TPH Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Date: 22/11/2023
40th Anniversary of CUHK PWH Orthopaedics & Traumatology cum 25th Anniversary of AHNH & TPH Orthopaedics & Traumatology SUMMIT and BANQUET were successfully held on 11 November 2023 and we all had a wonderful day. Here are some of the highlights.
CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series Lecture by Prof. Ian Harris
Date: 13/11/2023
CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series Lecture by Prof. Ian Harris was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 10 November 23. Here are some of the highlights.
CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series Lecture by Prof. Max Meng
Date: 13/11/2023
CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series Lecture by Prof. Max Meng was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 9 November 23. Here are some of the highlights.
CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series Lecture by Prof. Shanlin Chen
Date: 9/11/2023
CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series Lecture by Prof. Shanlin Chen was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 8 November 23. Here are some of the highlights.
CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series Lecture by Dr. Dalia Sepulveda A.
Date: 9/11/2023
CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series Lecture by Dr. Dalia Sepulveda A. was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 7 November 23. Here are some of the highlights.
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture by Prof. David Parker cum CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series
Date: 8/11/2023
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture by Prof. David Parker cum CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series “ACL Reconstruction: How Do We Measure “Success” and MRI Analysis of ACL Reconstruction Outcomes” was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 6 November 23. Here are some of the highlights.
CUHK O&T - CNRM Joint Seminar "Translational Research and Education in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: call it a career" by Prof. Savio Woo
Date: 8/11/2023
CUHK O&T - CNRM Joint Seminar "Translational Research and Education in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: call it a career" by Prof. Savio Woo was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 31 October 23. Here are some of the highlights.
CUHK O&T - CNRM Joint Seminar "Mentorship and Preclinical Translational Science: The Cornerstones of Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering" by Prof. Stuart Goodman
Date: 8/11/2023
CUHK O&T - CNRM Joint Seminar "Mentorship and Preclinical Translational Science: The Cornerstones of Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering" by Prof. Stuart Goodman was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 17 October 23. Here are some of the highlights.
40th Anniversary of CUHK PWH Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Date: 27/10/2023
We are happy to announce that the year 2023 marks the 40th Anniversary of our Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Prince of Wales Hospital. The SUMMIT and BANQUET will be held on November 11, 2023, Saturday.
8:30am - 5:00pm
9/F Auditorium, CUHK Medical Centre, 9 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
40th Anniversary of CUHK PWH Orthopaedics & Traumatology Academic Week
Date: 27/10/2023
We are delighted to inform you that the Academic Week will be held on Nov 6-10, 2023 in celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Prince of Wales Hospital..
Academic Week
6:00pm - 7:30pm (GMT +8)
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
40th Anniversary Event: Webinar Series - “Advancing Sarcopenia Management: Prevention, Treatment and Nutrition”
Date: 24/10/2023
We are pleased to announce that the fifth webinar of our Webinar Series “Advancing Sarcopenia Management: Prevention, Treatment and Nutrition” will be held on November 22 at 6:00 – 7:20pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8). Registration is open.
Advancing Sarcopenia Management: Prevention, Treatment and Nutrition
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture by Prof David Parker cum CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series
Date: 12/10/2023
We are pleased to announce that the Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture by Prof David Parker cum CUHK O&T 40th Anniversary Academic Week Series “ACL Reconstruction: How Do We Measure “Success” and MRI Analysis of ACL Reconstruction Outcomes” will be held on November 6, 2023 (Monday) at 6:00 – 7:00pm.
Registration is open. All are welcome!
Prof. David Parker (University of Sydney)
ACL Reconstruction: How Do We Measure “Success” and MRI Analysis of ACL Reconstruction Outcomes
6 November 2023 (Monday)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
CUHK O&T - CNRM Joint Seminar "Translational Research and Education in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: call it a career"
Date: 10/10/2023
Co-organized by Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Center for Neuromusculoskeletal Restorative Medicine (CNRM), the Joint Seminar "Translational Research and Education in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: call it a career" will be held on October 31, 2023 (Tuesday) at 5:30 – 6:30pm.
No registration is required. All are welcome!
Prof. Savio Woo (University of Pittsburgh)
Translational Research and Education in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: call it a career
31 Octoter 2023 (Tuesday)
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
CUHK O&T - CNRM Joint Seminar "Mentorship and Preclinical Translational Science: The Cornerstones of Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering"
Date: 9/10/2023
Co-organized by Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Center for Neuromusculoskeletal Restorative Medicine (CNRM), the Joint Seminar "Mentorship and Preclinical Translational Science: The Cornerstones of Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering" will be held on October 17, 2023 (Tuesday) at 4:30 – 5:30pm.
No registration is required. All are welcome!
Prof. Stuart Goodman (Stanford University)
Mentorship and Preclinical Translational Science: The Cornerstones of Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering
17 Octoter 2023 (Tuesday)
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
40th Anniversary Event: Webinar Series - “Bone Health and Recent Advances in Spinal Cord Injury Management”
Date: 5/10/2023
We are pleased to announce that the fourth webinar of our Webinar Series “Bone Health and Recent Advances in Spinal Cord Injury Management” will be held on November 1 at 6:00 – 7:30pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8). Registration is open.
Bone Health and Recent Advances in Spinal Cord Injury Management
40th Anniversary Event: Webinar Series - “Congenital Upper Limb Differences:
Pathologies of Thumb and Radial Forearm”
Date: 29/9/2023
We are pleased to announce that the third webinar of our Webinar Series “Congenital Upper Limb Differences:
Pathologies of Thumb and Radial Forearm” will be held on October 4 at 6:00 – 7:30pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8). Registration is open.
Congenital Upper Limb Differences: Pathologies of Thumb and Radial Forearm
40th Anniversary Event: Webinar Series - “Ortho-Biologics in the Foot and Ankle”
Date: 20/9/2023
We are pleased to announce that the second webinar of our Webinar Series “Ortho-Biologics in the Foot and Ankle” will be held on September 27 at 6:00 – 7:30pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8). Registration is open.
40th Anniversary Event: International Symposium and Workshop on Advanced Technology and 3D Printing in Orthopaedics
Date: 11/9/2023
International Symposium and Workshop on Advanced Technology and 3D Printing in Orthopaedics was successfully held in the 9/F Auditorium, CUHK Medical Centre on Sat, 9 Sep 2023. Here are some of the highlights.
This material/event is funded by the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (Ref. No.: PS203003) Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/any event organised under this project do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme.
40th Anniversary Event: 2nd International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF)
Date: 4/9/2023
2nd International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF) was successfully held in Zoom conference format on Sat-Sun, 2-3 Sep 2023. Here are some of the highlights.
40th Anniversary Event: Webinar Series - “Controversies in Hip Fractures”
Date: 30/8/2023
We are pleased to announce that the first webinar of our Webinar Series “Controversies in Hip Fractures” will be held on September 13 at 6:00 – 7:30pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8). Registration is open.
Vibrant Hong Kong: 3D printing technology with orthopaedic surgery in HK
Date: 30/8/2023
Our colleagues, Prof Ronald Wong and Prof Elvis Chui were interviewed by Vibrant HK of RTHK. They introduced our new 3D planning software and the 3D printing technology with orthopaedic surgery in Hong Kong.
40th Anniversary Event: International Symposium and Workshop on Advanced Technology and 3D Printing in Orthopaedics
Date: 10/8/2023
We are pleased to announce that the "International Symposium and Workshop on Advanced Technology and 3D Printing in Orthopaedics" will be held on 9-10 Sep 2023 (Sat-Sun). Registration is open.
Sep 9 (Sat), 9/F Auditorium, CUHK Medical Centre, 9 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong Sep 10 (Sun), Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics North Wing, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sha Tin, Hong Kong
Sports biomechanics is a fast-growing field to provide the highest level of analytical measurement to enhance sports performance. Besides, Sports injuries such as shoulder, knee and ankle injuries are common in orthopaedics and sports medicine. Sports biomechanics can enhance sports performance, reduce injury and improve rehabilitation.
With the latest technological advancements and recent innovations in sports biomechanics, this 2-day research summit aims to provide a platform for international researchers working on biomechanics in the field of sports medicine and sport science to gather their known best practices, latest technological advances, and new evidence-based research. Most importantly, it provides a good opportunity for both local and international early-career researchers to present their latest achievements, and explore new research directions and collaborations around the world.
This summit includes six thematic areas: Biomechanics in knee surgery, elite sports, ACL injury mechanism & prevention, shoulder biomechanics, rehabilitation & dance medicine, sports performance & Advanced technique.
40th Anniversary Event: 2nd International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF)
Date: 5/7/2023
We are pleased to announce that the "2nd International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF)" will be held on 2-3 Sep 2023 (Sat-Sun). Registration is open.
Professor Jack Cheng, Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, was appointed honorary fellow in recognition of his exceptional achievements within his professions and his outstanding contributions to the University, and the wider community.
Professor Jack Cheng Chun-yiu is an eminent paediatric orthopaedics specialist. He graduated from The University of Hong Kong in 1976 and was awarded a Doctor of Medicine degree by CUHK in 1999. Since joining CUHK in 1983, Professor Cheng has made significant contributions to the University and the Faculty of Medicine by serving as the chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, associate dean of the Faculty of Medicine (Education), University Dean of Students and Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and has participated in several major University policy committees. He was also a member of the University Grants Committee from 2008 to 2013 and the Research Grants Council from 2014 to 2016, and is a former Director, Joint Planning Office and senior advisor for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) School of Medicine. Professor Cheng was awarded Choh-ming Li Professor in Orthopaedics and Traumatology in 2015 and an emeritus professor upon his retirement in 2018.
A tender-hearted, proficient doctor and an orthopaedics specialist, Professor Cheng started his academic career at the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of CUHK in 1983. Under the wing of the then Head of Department, Professor Leung Ping-chung, Professor Cheng focused his clinical expertise and research on paediatric orthopaedics, with special interest in the etiopathogenesis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. He was an active participant in the “Operation Concern” project which was initiated by Professor Leung on the mainland, the aim of which is to provide free treatment and healthcare services for people with musculoskeletal disabilities in the remote regions of China. In reminiscence, Professor Cheng recalled how the support team provided in the 1990s various clinical services, from performing orthopaedic surgery to the m installation of prosthetic orthotic appliances, for hundreds of suffering patients in the mountainous areas of Sichuan. Professor Cheng and the team did their best for these underprivileged people under very poorly-equipped and challenging environment. Over the past four decades, with dedication and limited resources, the warm-hearted Professor Cheng brought both hope and comfort to his patients, among them are often children affected by different neuromusculoskeletal problems including scoliosis (a three dimensional deformity of the spine). In Hong Kong, Professor Cheng had conducted, in addition to his teaching and clinical duties, focused basic science, clinical and epidemiological research related to the etiopathogenesis and treatment of scoliosis in children. Through his research findings and the long-term follow-up assessment, the Hong Kong community has come to recognise the impact of scoliosis on school children and how it could be diagnosed and treated through early screening and detection. Professor Cheng has made impressive contributions in the field of paediatric orthopaedics, and have not only served the community well but have also brought important insights to other healthcare professionals. For all that he has done, he has earned praise and respect from his peers, and deservedly so.
He has published over 400 articles in peer-reviewed international journals, given over 500 conference presentations, contributed to 19 book chapters and received more than 40 research related awards. He serves on the editorial boards of a number of international professional journals. He was president of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, and a fellow and member of over 20 prestigious local and international professional and medical organisations including the International Pediatric Orthopaedic Think Tank IPOTT as one of the only two from Asia amongst the 100 international members in 1998.
Source from CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office and CUHK Medicine
秦嶺教授現任深圳先進院醫工所轉化醫學研究與發展中心創始中心主任、香港中文大學卓敏矯形外科與創傷學教授、香港中文大學深港創新科技研究院(福田)院長、香港中文大學醫學院助理院長、醫學院骨關節肌肉研究實驗室主任和骨骼健康及骨質評估中心主任,也是美國醫學與生物工程院Fellow、美國骨礦鹽學會Fellow、國際生物材料科學與工程學會聯合會Fellow和國際骨科研究聯合會Fellow。先後斬獲教育部科學技術進步獎二等獎、中國專利獎銀獎、中華醫學科技獎醫學科學技術獎二等獎、日內瓦金獎、粵港澳大灣區高價值專利培育佈局大賽金獎、香港中文大學醫學院首屆傑出學者等40餘項國內外榮譽。入選全球前2%頂尖科學家終身影響力榜單和World Best Medicine Scientists。
CUHK innovations win 26 awards at International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2023
Date: 29/4/2023
Researchers from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have won 26 awards at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2023, including 6 Gold Medals with Congratulation of the jury, 2 Gold Medals, 11 Silver Medals and 7 Bronze Medals. Among these 26 inventions, two were awarded special prizes including the Prize of the International Federation of Inventors’ Association – IFIA Award and Prize of Saudi Arabian Delegation. This demonstrating the University’s excellence in research and innovation on the global stage.
CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Sham Mai-har said, “I am thrilled about the exceptional accomplishments of CUHK research teams. These international awards are a testament to our scholars’ cutting-edge inventions, which span disciplines such as medical robotics, drug development, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence. We will continue to support scholars in pursuing innovative research and bringing their innovations to fruition to make a meaningful impact in the world.”
The awarded projects are examples of CUHK’s success in knowledge transfer, translating research and innovation into tangible benefits and outcomes. Among the 26 projects, 8 of them were developed under the world-class InnoHK research centres led by CUHK, which collaborate with top research institutions around the world. Another 9 projects have been commercialised through university-supported startup companies led by CUHK researchers or become successful social enterprises. The University will continue its efforts in encouraging staff and students to develop innovative solutions that tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges.
The International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva is the largest global exhibition devoted exclusively to inventions. All the exhibited inventions have been evaluated by an international jury of specialists. This year’s exhibition showcased over 1,000 inventions from 40 countries and regions.
Congratulations to our colleagues!!
Principal investigator and team members
Project title
Silver Medal
Professor Qin Ling, Professor Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Professor Xu Jiankun, Dr Michael Ong Tim-yun, Zhang Haozhi
Magnesium-incorporating Bio-artificial Ligament
Bronze Medal
Medal Professor Ngai To, Dr Zhu Yuwei (Department of Chemistry) Professor Xu Jiankun (Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Novel Injectable Magnesium- based Scaffold for Treating Osteoporotic Bone Defects
Bronze Medal
Professor Elvis Chui Chun-sing, Lawrence Lau Chun-man, Professor Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Dr Law Sheung-wai, Dr Gene Man Chi-wai, Ye Xin, Ericsson Fung Chun-hai, Randy Ng Hinting, Michelle Chan Mei-shuen
Machine Learning Algorithm for Knee Arthroplasty Loosening Detection
Bronze Medal
Professor Elvis Chui Chun-sing, Professor Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Ringo Cheung Wing-hing, Kyle Mak Ka-kwan, Ericsson Fung Chun-hai, Randy Ng Hinting (Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) Dr Kelvin Chong Kam-lung (Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences)
Semi-Automated Imaging Reconstruction for Orbital Fracture Repair
Bronze Medal
Professor Xu Jiankun, Professor Qin Ling, Dr Li Ye, Professor Tong Wenxue, Dr Michael Ong Tim-yun, Dr Yao Hao, Dr Dai Bingyang, Dr Ronald Wong Man- yeung (Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) Professor Ngai To, Dr Zhu Yuwei (Department of Chemistry)
Bio-products for Recapitulating Nerve-vessel- bone Network
Source from CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office
Hong Kong 2023 Postgraduate Orthopaedics FRCS (TR&ORTH) Revision Course
Date: 12/4/2023
We are pleased to announce that “Hong Kong 2023 Postgraduate Orthopaedics FRCS (TR&ORTH) Revision Course”, co-organized by the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, CUHK and Postgraduate Orthopaedics, UK, will be held in Hong Kong on May 22-27, 2023. Details are as follows:
22-27 May 2023 (Mon-Sat)
One day of SBA Practice One day of Lectures One day of Clinical Viva Examination Preparation One day of Clinical Examination with Patients Two days of Mock Viva Examination Practice
Orthopaedic Learning Centre Prince of Wales Hospital
HKU-CUHK Collaborative Project “Filling the translational gap of mesenchymal stem cell-based tissue engineering strategies for cartilage regeneration therapy”
Date: 23/2/2023
The collaborative project by Prof. Patrick Yung and Prof. Barbara Chan (HKU) under the “Research Impact Fund” scheme is now in progress to clinical trial on tissue engineering product for cartilage regeneration. We are now recruiting site manager (Clinical Research Associate) to supervise the trial.
Please browse to the following link for more details:
The Dean Visit was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 30 January 2023. Here are some of the highlights.
Happy Chinese New Year, Year of the Rabbit!! Thanks Dr. Lugee Liyeung for helping to design this wonderful electronic Chinese New Year card for our department.
Merry Christmas
Date: 22/12/2022
Merry Christmas!! Thanks Dr. Lugee Liyeung for helping to design this amazing electronic Christmas card for our department. [ View Video Online ]
中大運動醫學日SMART Fun Day 2022
Date: 23/11/2022
中大運動醫學日SMART Fun Day 2022 was successfully held in the Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong on Sat-Sun, 22-23 Oct 2022. Here are some of the highlights.
The 42nd Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 5 - 6 Nov, 2022
Date: 11/11/2022
The 42nd Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 5 - 6 Nov, 2022:
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Dr. Arthur OF Woo
"Magnesium containing hybrid fixation system promotes the healing of long bone fractures: a large animal study"
The Best Paper Award for Trainee Member: - Dr. Moya KH Tsui
"COVID-19 hip fracture outcomes in a city with one of the highest death rates: cycle threshold values have no prognostic role"
The Best Poster Award: - Dr. Alec LH Hung
"Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients getting old—their health-related quality of life and spinal appearance when the number of post-surgical years turns more than 30 years"
Prof. Ronald MY Wong won the Prof. KS Leung Award for Best paper of Trauma Chapter. Dr. Lawrence CM Lau won the Dr. David Fang Trophy and Dr. Pui-kiu Chan won the Dr. Yeung Sai-Hung Trophy in the AJR Chapter. Dr. Raymond CW Wan won the Best paper award in Paediatric Orthopaedic Chapter and Spine Chapter. Dr. Lucci Liyueng won the 2nd runner up award of Paediatric Orthopaedic Chapter. Dr. Kumar Anubrat won the trainee award of Paediatric Orthopaedic Chapter. Mr. Yongkang Yang won the Best paper award in Foot & Ankle, Rehabilitation, Tumour Chapter. Prof. Michael TY Ong won the 1st runner up award of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!!
ISAKOS - APKASS Webinar "Updated Evidence of the Application of Biologics in Sports Medicine : Facts & Fictions!"
Date: 4/8/2022
Co-organized by International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) and Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APKASS), the Webinar "Updated Evidence of the Application of Biologics in Sports Medicine : Facts & Fictions!" will be held on August 26, 2022 (Friday), starting from 8:00pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8).
Our chairman, Prof Patrick Yung is one of the chairs and Prof Samuel Ling will share his experience. Registration is FREE for ALL.
We are pleased to announce that the Football Medicine Course For Doctors is now open for application.
Organised by the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and HKASMSS, supported by Hong Kong Football Association, this is the only course in Hong Kong designed for medical doctors. It covers the latest knowledge in the management of on-field emergency, pre-competition assessment and anti-doping.
ISAKOS - APKASS Webinar "New Technologies in Knee Replacement"
Date: 28/3/2022
Co-organized by International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) and Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APKASS), the Webinar "New Technologies in Knee Replacement" will be held on April 14, 2022 (Thursday), starting from 7:00pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8).
Our colleague, Prof Michael Ong is one of the chairs and he will share his experience. Registration is FREE for ALL.
International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF) Current and Prospective Management of Osteoporotic Fractures – Online Conference and Workshop
Date: 11/3/2022
We are pleased to announce that the International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF) Current and Prospective Management of Osteoporotic Fractures – Online Conference and Workshop will be held on 26-27 Mar 2022 (Sat-Sun). Online registration is open.
This material/event is funded by the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme of
the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/any event organised under this project do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme
Happy Chinese New Year, Year of the Tiger!! Thanks Dr. SW Law for helping to design this wonderful electronic Chinese New Year card for our department. [ View Video Online ]
18th Annual Meeting of Joint Scoliosis Research Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Nanjing University
Date: 12/1/2022
The 18th Annual Meeting of Joint Scoliosis Research Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Nanjing University was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 8 January 21. Here is the group photo and related news.
The 41st Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 6 - 7 Nov, 2021
Date: 3/1/2022
The 41st Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 6 - 7 Nov, 2021:
The Best Paper Award for Trainee Member: - Dr. Bernard Yung
"Clinical & radiological outcome of osteoscopic assisted treatment of enchondroma in hand with artificial bone substitute or bone graft: a 7-year case series"
The Best Paper Award for Associate Member: - Ms. Rufina Lau
"The potential use of handgrip strength assessment to predict curve progression in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) girls"
Prof. ONG Tim-yun, Michael, Dr. Xin HE and Dr. LAW Ying-kan, George won the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!!
Merry Christmas!! Thanks Prof. SW Law and Dr. Lugee Liyeung for helping to design this amazing electronic Christmas card for our department. [ View Video Online ]
7th HKASMSS Student Conference on Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science 2021 cum AFSM Scientific Symposium 2021, 4 - 5 Dec 2021
Date: 15/12/2021
The 7th HKASMSS Student Conference on Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science 2021 cum AFSM Scientific Symposium 2021 was successfully held in the Charles K. Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park on Sat-Sun, 4 - 5 Dec 21. Here are some of the highlights.
7th HKASMSS Student Conference on Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science 2021 cum AFSM Scientific Symposium 2021
Date: 18/11/2021
We are pleased to announce that the 7th HKASMSS Student Conference on Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science 2021 cum AFSM Scientific Symposium 2021 will be held on 4-5 Dec 2021 (Sat-Sun). Online registration is open.
The CCE Visit 2021 was successfully held in the Seminar Room, 9/F, Main Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 3 November 2021. Here are some of the highlights.
Weaving Dreams for the Athletes - Patrick Yung the Enabler of Sports Medicine
Date: 19/10/2021
Although the Olympic Games have come to an end, the achievements of Hong Kong athletes have been a source of great interest to the public, while some are still unhappy that fencing gold medalist Edgar Cheung was unable to further his game in the National Games of China due to injury. The decision to withdraw from the National Games came after a phone call from Prof. Patrick Yung Shu-hang, Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at CUHK and the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI).
When Cheung noticed the swelling in his knee, he immediately called HKSI to get in touch with Professor Yung. After an initial assessment over the phone, Cheung decided to withdraw from the competition. Upon arrival in Hong Kong, he went straight to CUHK Medical Centre to receive treatment from Professor Yung.
‘An athlete’s attending doctor must have the guts to take responsibility and strike a balance between the health of the athletes and their participation in competition,’ Professor Yung said.
Edgar Cheung (left) gifting his gloves used in competition (courtesy of interviewee)
When Passion Meets the Profession
Apart from Cheung, well-known athletes such as Sarah Lee, ‘Cycling Goddess of Ngau Ha (the now-demolished Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate)’, Vivian Kong, Fencing Champion in the World Championship, and Shek Wai-hung, Vaulting Champion in the Asian Games, are all patients of Professor Yung. To be more precise, about 1,200 elite athletes of the HKSI are all treated by the CUHK sports medicine team led by Professor Yung.
Professor Yung with Sarah Lee (left) at the award ceremony as she was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons (courtesy of interviewee)
Vivian Kong was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons this year at the nomination of Professor Yung. Kong expressed gratitude to him in her speech and brought along her the gold medal in the World Championship in 2019 to have a photo with Professor Yung (courtesy of interviewee)
What brought him to HKSI? ‘I grew up loving football and running, and I was a member of the local youth football team. After being admitted to the CUHK MBChB Programme, I joined the CUHK football team as well, but was injured in a game and tore my anterior cruciate ligament. From then on, I decided to specialize in orthopaedics to help athletes.
‘The former Chairman of the Department, Prof. Chan Kai-ming, was involved in setting up the Jubilee Sports Centre (predecessor of HKSI) to treat athletes from time to time. Since then, I have initiated to go to the HKSI every Wednesday starting from 2001 to provide free medical treatment,’ Professor Yung recounted.
And so began Professor Yung’s journey in sports medicine. ‘I learn as I go. The International Federation of Sports Medicine has been in operation for some 90 years, and Professor Chan took the lead in establishing the Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine in 1988. It is a multidisciplinary profession, and all medical issues encountered in sports are covered by sports medicine, including injury prevention, diagnosis, nutrition, psychology, physiology and biomechanics.’
In his spare time playing football on campus, Professor Yung was approached by his juniors when they were injured. Acknowledging this need, he spent his time off and set up a sports medicine clinic in the University Sports Centre in 2003, returning every week or two to check on CUHK varsity players. The number of patients gradually grew, and Professor Yung was overwhelmed by the demand, reinforcing his determination to promote sports medicine.
As a result of his efforts, CUHK launched the Master of Science Programme in Sports Medicine and Health Science, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, in 2004 to train specialist sports medicine professionals. The programme accepts 60 students every year, but over 300 have applied. ‘I encourage these students to learn by meeting my patients. To give them apprenticeship opportunities, I formed the CUHK sports medicine team to provide medical support to the school team.
‘CUHK is the only tertiary institution in Hong Kong to have a dedicated medical team to provide on-site support during sports training and competitions. It is an exclusive privilege incomparable to other universities! Some of them have offered to pay for such services, but we have turned them all down.’
At present, the CUHK sports medicine team consists of 10 full-time staff and about 30 part-time staff, including doctors, dieticians, physiotherapists and sports trainers introduced by Professor Yung.
‘Most of the overseas sports teams have dedicated sports trainers to take care of players and provide immediate intervention with medical expertise when an injury occurs. In this regard, I partnered with Sports Medicine Australia to offer a Sports Trainer Course in 2013 and have since then nurtured over 200 sports trainers.’
Today, CUHK is a leader in sports medicine education and research, and Professor Yung is also the President of the Asian Federation of Sports Medicine. ‘Many of the physiotherapists, rehabilitation therapists and researchers at the HKSI are graduates of these two programmes at CUHK,’ he shared. As a result, the CUHK sports medicine team has taken responsibility for much of the medical work of the HKSI and has been involved with Hong Kong teams in major competitions. If not for the quarantine, Professor Yung would have attended this year’s National Games as well, and he has never missed any of the past four editions.
Professor Yung has conducted extensive research on sports medicine. One of the projects was to invite last year's champion equestrian Moreira to conduct a simulated horse race test to understand the amount of muscle movement during riding (courtesy of interviewee)
The Nuts and Bolts of Sports Medicine
‘Athletes have short careers. It is important to treat injuries with minimal or no impact to their schedules and goals,’ Professor Yung remarked.
‘It's only been a year or so since I treated Vivian’s torn anterior cruciate ligament in her left knee, and she bashfully smiled and told me that she had injured the other side of her anterior cruciate ligament again! For normal patients, it usually takes at least six months to recover from the surgery, but she returned to the competition after each operation in just over four months and won the World Championship.
‘Another example is that Shek Wai-hung tore his rotator cuff, which prevented him from qualifying for the Olympic Games 2016 in Brazil. He told me he wanted to undergo surgery as soon as possible to make it to the Asian Games two years later, and he ended up defending his champion title.’
Shek Wai-hung (right) sharing the joy of victory with Professor Yung (courtesy of interviewee)
Treating sports injuries is unlike general orthopaedics or traumatology. ‘Outside of medical training, you have to take the time to understand what the sport is all about, how the movements are performed and what is required,’ explained Professor Yung.
With the same torn anterior cruciate ligament, Kong’s recovery is different from that of a regular sports enthusiast. That’s why Professor Yung is always on stand-by to observe the athletes’ recovery and practice on-site. Even after the treatment is completed, Professor Yung will continue to observe the competition to ensure that the athletes are well.
‘We also play the role of a companion to build trust with the athletes and explain the situation clearly, dispelling their anxieties and providing timely encouragement to get over their injuries and give them the courage to step out.’
Many athletes have been fortunate enough to have Professor Yung’s company through the highs and lows, as evidenced by the souvenirs he has received over the years: the gloves used by Edgar Cheung in his competition, Sarah Lee’s rainbow jersey, Vivian Kong’s fencing mask and stuffed animal when she won the World Championship, as well as an autographed painting by gymnast Angel Wong.
Sarah Lee gifting her rainbow jersey (courtesy of interviewee)
Souvenir and thank-you card from Vivian Kong
Autographed painting by Angel Wong
Sarah Lee is about to publish her autobiography and has invited Professor Yung to write the foreword. ‘I have known Sarah for the longest time among current athletes and have watched her overcome numerous injuries to achieve her dream of winning a medal,’ Professor Yung explained.
Where Dreams are Born
With Hong Kong athletes winning one gold, two silver and three bronze medals at the Tokyo Olympics, the athletes’ success is on everyone’s radar. However, Professor Yung believes that the glory shines only from the vertex of the pyramid, and their success is built by a group of people who work diligently at the base of the pyramid to make it happen. ‘These people are members of the dream factory, and the sports medicine team is part of it. They are happy to contribute out of a genuine passion for sports,’ said Professor Yung.
‘The bottom of the pyramid is comparable to community sports culture,’ said Professor Yung. ‘As grassroots sports become more popular, the athletes will achieve better results. From a doctor’s point of view, my larger goal is to promote health through sports.’
To this end, Professor Yung has led a team to develop the Sports Medicine in Community project since 2008, educating the public about sports medicine and providing on-site support for major local sports events such as the Hong Kong Games, the Hong Kong Marathon sponsored by Standard Chartered, the Trailwalker and the Inter-School Sports Competitions.
In recent years, Sports Medicine in Community has also extended the Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action to the elderly, with the aim of encouraging them to develop a habit of regular exercise to strengthen their physical fitness and slow down musculoskeletal deterioration.
The wild dream of this weaver of dreams is to achieve ‘Sports for Health. Sports for Wellness’. He concluded with a remark, ‘Exercise is the best medicine.’
Reported by florencechan@cuhkcontents
Translated by Lesley Cheung
Photos by Eric Sin
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2021 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 - 中大運動醫學日2021
Date: 14/9/2021
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2021 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 - 中大運動醫學日2021 was successfully held in the Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong on Sat-Sun, 21-22 Aug 2021. Here are some of the highlights.
This event, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) & The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), and co-organized by The Hong Kong Association of Dance Medicine and Science (HKADMS) and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), will be held on 28 Aug 2021 (Sat).
In the morning seminars, renowned guest speakers from Australia and Hong Kong will present multiple Dance Medicine related topics that will enlighten medical and healthcare professionals, as well as dance science lovers. In the afternoon sessions, dancers or dance instructors will have the opportunity to learn from a local expert regarding the importance of assessments for dancers. Participants can also undergo specific physical assessments to evaluate their body composition and physical fitness. Our healthcare professionals will provide FREE individual consultations for those who have completed the assessments.
(Please refer to the poster for details or Click HERE to discover more)
28 Aug 2021 (Sat)
10:00am - 1:05pm (Dance Medicine Seminar) 2:00pm - 5:00pm (Assessment for Dancers)
Theatre 2, Hong Kong Productivity Council, 78 Tat Chee Ave, Kowloon Tong
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2021 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 - 中大運動醫學日2021
Date: 20/7/2021
We are pleased to announce that the Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2021 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 - 中大運動醫學日2021 will be held on 21-22 Aug 2021 (Sat-Sun). Registration deadline is 18 Aug 2021.
The Hong Kong Medical Diary Vol.26 No.7 July 2021 has been published!
Our Colleagues have shared their expertise knowledge in this publication. For instance, Prof Patrick Yung, Chairman of the Dept of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, CUHK, wrote in the editorial on the development of Sports Medicine in Hong Kong. Topics related to Sports Injuries, Treatment to sports injuries and the Role of Doctor on the field, etc, are also included!
The Webinar is organized by The Occupational Health and Safety Council and supported by Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science and CUHK Sports Medicine Team.
6 July 2021 (Tuesday)
6:45 pm – 8:15 pm
Online Zoom
Ms Wing Yun BUD (Part-time Assistant Lecturer, Dept of O&T, CUHK)
Injury prevention, precautions and safety tips to do exercise
We are delighted to announce that Football Medicine Course For Doctors is now open for application.
Organised by the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, supported by Hong Kong Football Association, this is the only course in Hong Kong designed for medical doctors. It covers the latest knowledge in the management of on-field emergency, pre-competition assessment and anti-doping.
Patients with osteoarthritis suffer from long-term pain and their daily life is affected. Our team invites patients for try out the knee joint device that is under development. The results show improvement of patient's pain and mobility.
The interview start from 17:00 in RTHK Programme 【醫生與你】──【醫道新知】.
Guest: Professor QIN Ling (Assistant Dean (Mainland Affairs), Faculty of Medicine) Dr. HO Ki-wai, Kevin (Clinical Professional Consultant of Orthopaedics & Traumatology) Dr. ZOU Li (Post-doctoral Fellow of Orthopaedics & Traumatology)
Teachings' and Students' Awards Presentation Ceremony 2021
Date: 1/3/2021
Congratulations!! Dr. WONG Wing Yee, Clara is awarded the MBChB Alumni Teaching Awards in the Teachings' and Students' Awards Presentation Ceremony on 27 February 2021.
ISAKOS - APKASS Webinar "Cartilage Lesions in the Non-Arthritic Knee"
Date: 24/2/2021
Co-organized by International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) and Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APKASS), the Webinar "Cartilage Lesions in the Non-Arthritic Knee" will be held on March 10, 2021 (Wednesday), starting from 7:00pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8).
Our chairman, Professor Patrick Yung will be chairing this webinar on Knee Cartilage lesions. Registration is FREE.
CUHK Vice-Chancellor Professor Rocky S. Tuan and CU Medicine Professor Gang Li Named Fellows of Orthopaedic Research Society
Date: 23/2/2021
Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, Lee Quo Wei and Lee Yick Hoi Lun Professor of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and Professor Gang Li, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine at CUHK (CU Medicine), have been named 2021 Fellows of the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS). Being the first scholars in Hong Kong to earn this prestigious honour, they are recognised by the ORS for their outstanding achievements in the field of musculoskeletal research and contributions to the ORS.
Professor Li studies mesenchymal stem cells to regenerate bone and cartilage
Professor Gang Li is a Professor (non-clinical) in the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at CU Medicine and a project investigator at the Li Ka-shing Institute of Health CUHK. He has a longstanding research interest in the biology of stem cells, biological mechanisms of fracture healing and limb lengthening techniques, and their innovative clinical applications.
Professor Li is one of the leading scientists in the world on mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs are multipotent adult stem cells and the key components for tissue regeneration in adulthood. The research team led by Professor Li focuses on the biology and application of MSCs in the repair of bone, cartilage and tendon, and studies on bone and cartilage regeneration, distraction osteogenesis and novel biomaterials. His outstanding work and research outcome earned him multiple awards, including the first class award in Natural Sciences for Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) by the Ministry of Education of China (2014), the first prize of Huaxia Medical Science and Technology Award (2019) and China State Science and Technology Progress Award First Class (2021). Professor Li also holds 16 invention patents from China and the United States.
Professor Li felt most honoured to be elected an ORS fellow. He said, “The Fellowship is a recognition of my research in the area of stem cells therapy and distraction histogenesis techniques for musculoskeletal tissue regeneration which are regarded as revolutionary therapeutics in orthopaedics. I hope my research can benefit the community as a whole and bring hope to patients suffering from serious trauma and other difficult conditions.”
About the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS)
For over 65 years, the ORS has been the leading research society supporting biologists, clinicians, engineers, orthopaedic surgeons, and other professionals in the field of musculoskeletal research from across the globe.
ORS Fellows are the longstanding members who have demonstrated exemplary service and leadership, substantial achievement, expert knowledge, and significant contributions to the ORS, its governance, and the field of musculoskeletal research. Fellows will represent ORS as the thought leaders and topic experts in their respective disciplines.
Source from CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office
Happy Chinese New Year, Year of the Ox!! Thanks Dr. SW Law and Dr. Lugee Liyeung for helping to design this wonderful electronic Chinese New Year card for our department. [ View Video Online ]
Two CUHK-led Research Projects Awarded Over One Hundred Million Funding as UGC Areas of Excellence
Date: 7/1/2021
Two outstanding projects led by researchers of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have been granted over HK$140 million in funding in the ninth round of the Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme under the University Grants Committee (UGC). The project “Centre for Medical Engineering of Molecular and Biological Probes”, led by Professor Nathalie Wong, Department of Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine, received funding of over HK$71 million. Led by Professor Ling Qin, Assistant Dean (Mainland Affairs) and Professor of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Faculty of Medicine, the project “Aging, Skeletal Degeneration and Regeneration” has been awarded more than HK$70 million.
Aging, Skeletal Degeneration and Regeneration
The world population is aging, particularly in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Government has projected that the local population will see a rapid increase in its aging population from 15% in 2014 to 36% in 2064. The incidence of age-associated osteoporosis and bone fractures is high, with one osteoporotic fracture occurring every three seconds worldwide. Extensive research has been conducted on aging. Coordinated and multidisciplinary research facilitating skeletal regeneration in bone metabolic disorders and fragility injuries, especially in searching for bioactive and biodegradable implantable materials for temporal fixation and stimulating skeletal regeneration, is still highly desirable.
Professor Ling Qin’s research team recently identified the unique function of neuronal protein regulating the regeneration of skeletons via sensory nerves. Degradation of Magnesium (Mg) releases Mg ions and hydrogen gas and creates a local alkaline environment. They have delineated that Mg ions stimulate sensory nerve endings in the periosteum and upregulate and release calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) from dorsal root ganglions. CGRP, an osteogenic neurotransmitter, facilitates differentiation of periosteum-derived stem cell into osteoblast linage, and thus benefits osteoporotic fracture repair, highlighting Mg as an excellent candidate for facilitating skeletal regeneration in elderlies.
With the support of AoE scheme, the team will apply advanced biotechnologies to address these scientific questions while continuing the translational work on innovative biodegradable implants towards multi-centre clinical trials and Class III medical product registration for broadening clinical applications. The collective efforts will enhance the regeneration of challenging musculoskeletal disorders and hence reduce the healthcare and socio-economic burden of the aging society.
About the UGC Areas of Excellence Scheme
The Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme was launched by the University Grants Committee (UGC) in 1998. Up to 2020/2021, a total of 28 AoE projects from various disciplines have been funded in nine rounds of exercise, in support of their research. Among them, 11 were led by CUHK researchers. In the most recently announced ninth round of funding results, 4 projects in total were granted, with two led by CUHK. Researchers from CUHK also participated in the project “2D Materials Research: Fundamentals Towards Emerging Technologies” led by the University of Hong Kong.
Source from CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office
Application Deadline Priority round: 29 Jan 2021 Final round: 30 Apr 2021
(Applications will be processed on a rolling basis until all places have been filled. Therefore, early applications are strongly encouraged.) (Applications submitted after 29 January 2021 may be considered, subject to the availability of places.)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thanks Dr. SW Law for helping to design this amazing electronic Christmas card for our department. [ View Video Online ]
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2020 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 中大運動醫學日2020
Date: 18/12/2020
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2020 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 中大運動醫學日2020 was successfully held in the Auditorium, 9/F, CUHK Medical Centre on Sat-Sun, 28-29 Nov 20. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ][ Homepage ][ Facebook Page ]
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2020 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 中大運動醫學日2020
Date: 25/11/2020
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2020 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 中大運動醫學日2020 will be held on 28-29 Nov 2020 (Sat-Sun). Seats are limited. Participants must complete the online registration before entering the venue.
For details of the SMART Fun Day, please visit www.cuhksmart.hk.
28-29 Nov 2020 (Sat-Sun)
10:00am - 6:00pm(Sat) / 5:00pm(Sun)
Auditorium, 9/F, CUHK Medical Centre --> Live streaming available
This project aimed to provide bite-sized, customised, evidenced-based exercise videos to help patients to tackle muscle and joint pain. With these educational videos, we hope to help patients with musculoskeletal pain to not only ease their pain but also restore their functional ability and alleviate the psychological distress.
The 40th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 31 Oct - 1 Nov, 2020
Date: 16/11/2020
The 40th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 31 Oct - 1 Nov, 2020:
AR Hodgson Award: - Prof. ONG Tim-yun, Michael
"Persistent quadriceps muscle atrophy after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction was associated with defective exercise-induced changes in myokines"
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald
"Does Sarcopenia Affect Osteoporotic Fracture Healing? Myostatin as a Target to Enhance Repair"
The Best Paper Award for Associate Member: - Mr. Xuan HE
"Magnesium alloy wire facilitates bone tendon integration in bone tunnel after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in rabbits"
Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald won the Prof. KS Leung Award for Best paper of Trauma Chapter. Dr. Jonathan NG won the Dr. Vincent Chan Trophy in the AJR Chapter. Dr. MAK Chu-kay, Michael won the Best paper award of Paediatric Chapter. Dr. Jojo LAI won the Best paper award of Foot and Ankle Chapter. Prof. ONG Tim-yun, Michael, Ms. Xin HE and Ms. CHAN Sum-yu, Jessica also won the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!! [ More ]
CCE Visit 2020
Date: 12/11/2020
The CCE Visit 2020 was successfully held in the Seminar Room, 9/F, Main Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 11 November 2020. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action 「肌」不可失大行動網上講座 - 疫情下的肌不可失
Date: 16/10/2020
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action 「肌」不可失大行動網上講座 - 疫情下的肌不可失
This event is supported by Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science (HKASMSS) and Department of Orthopedic & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHKORT). Dr. LOUIE Hung-tak, Lobo and Professor YUNG Shu-hang, Patrick, JP are invited to share and discuss "Sports Science True or False".
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 3620-2918 or via e-mail to office@hkpasea.org.
The Hong Kong Football Medicine Team Physiotherapist Course
Date: 16/9/2020
We are delighted to announce The Hong Kong Football Medicine Team Physiotherapist Course is now open for application.
Organised by Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science and Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, supported by Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association and Hong Kong Football Association, this is the only course in Hong Kong designed for football team physiotherapist. For those interested in working with football teams, this course would equip you with cutting edge and evidence based football sports medicine knowledge.
For more details, please visit HKASMSS Website. Application Deadline: 30 Sep 2020
For registration, please send completed registration form by email to olc-ort@cuhk.edu.hk. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 3505-1601 or via e-mail to olc-ort@cuhk.edu.hk.
2020 Hong Kong International Wrist Arthroscopy Webshop and Webinar, 12-14 Dec, 2020
Date: 7/9/2020
We are pleased to announce that 2020 Hong Kong International Wrist Arthroscopy Webshop and Webinar will be held at the Orthopaedic Learning Centre (OLC) on 12-14 December (Saturday – Monday).
For more details, please visit our Website. If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us via e-mail to olc-ort@cuhk.edu.hk.
HKCS Webinar: Using AI for Better Health and Well-Being
Date: 7/8/2020
Co-organized by Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS), Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine & Sports Science (HKASMSS) and Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, this webinar provides you knowledge of Using AI for Better Health and Well-Being.
The Webinar will be conducted in Cantonese. Registration is free on a first come first serve basis!
Smith & Nephew Webinar: "Robotic Assisted TKA JOURNEYII BCS with Handheld Robotics"
Date: 15/7/2020
Organized by Smith & Nephew, the Webinar "Robotic Assisted TKA JOURNEYII BCS with Handheld Robotics" will be held on July 15, 2020 (Wednesday), starting from 1:00pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8).
Our colleague, Dr Kevin Ho is one of the faculty and he will participate as the moderator. Registration is FREE for ALL.
APKASS Webinar: “My Strategy for Chronic Ankle Instability”
Date: 18/6/2020
Organized by Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APKASS), the APKASS Webinar “My Strategy for Chronic Ankle Instability” will be held on July 3, 2020 (Friday), from 6:00pm-7:00pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8).
Registration is FREE for ALL on a first come first serve basis.
HKCS Webinar: Talking to the Experts - Knee Pain Relief 改善膝部疼痛,由專家教路!
Date: 8/6/2020
Co-organized by Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS), Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine & Sports Science (HKASMSS) and Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, this webinar provides you with the exercises and care for knee pain.
The Webinar will be conducted in Cantonese. Registration is free on a first come first serve basis!
APKASS-AKAT Webinar: “Surgical Tricks for Managing Patella Instability!”
Date: 1/6/2020
Organized by Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APKASS) and Asian Knee Arthroscopy ThinkTank (AKAT), the APKASS-AKAT Webinar “Surgical Tricks for Managing Patella Instability!” will be held on June 12, 2020 (Friday), from 6:00pm-7:30pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8).
Registration is FREE for ALL on a first come first serve basis.
APKASS-AKAT Webinar: “Save the Meniscus: Repair, Reconstruct, Replacement”
Date: 21/5/2020
Organized by Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APKASS) and Asian Knee Arthroscopy ThinkTank (AKAT), the APKASS-AKAT Webinar “Save the Meniscus: Repair, Reconstruct, Replacement” will be held on May 22, 2020 (Friday), from 6:00pm-7:30pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8).
In this webinar, we have 4 outstanding Korean surgeons (Prof. AHN Jin-Hwan, Prof. LEE Sang-Hak, Prof. WANG Joon-Ho and Prof. KIM Jin-Goo), as well as Dr. Sachin TAPASVI from India joining us as faculty. Registration is FREE for ALL on a first come first serve basis.
Co-organized by Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS), Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine & Sports Science (HKASMSS) and Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Dept of O&T, CUHK), this webinar provides you with the exercises and care for shoulder, neck and back pains.
Happy Chinese New Year, Year of the Rat!! Thanks Dr. SW Law for helping to design this wonderful electronic Chinese New Year card for our department. [View Video Online]
10th Anniversary of Centre for Translational Medicine Research and Development
Date: 17/1/2020
Congratulations to Centre for Translational Medicine Research and Development!! Here is a special video for sharing.
Budding Well 2019 Year-End Christmas Sharing Event
Date: 16/01/2020
The Budding Well 2019 Year-End Christmas Sharing Event was successfully held in the 5K OACC, 5/F, Day Treatment Block, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin on 21 Dec 19 (Sat). Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Date: 17/12/2019
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thanks Dr. SW Law for helping to design this wonderful electronic Christmas card for our department. [View Video Online]
[2020 Sep Intake] CUHK MSc in Sports Medicine and Health Science Programme
Date: 17/12/2019
Upcoming Information Session
Details on the modules and assessment will be discussed in the information sessions. We welcome you to join us:
13 Jan 2020 (Mon)
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Rm 301, 3/F, Li Ka Shing Medical Sciences Building Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T., HKSAR (map)
9th CUHK Int'l Symposium on Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, 1st Int'l Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society Stem Cells & Regenerative Biology Symposium and Joint HK Society for Cell Biology Symposium
Date: 13/11/2019
9th CUHK Int'l Symposium on Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, 1st Int'l Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society Stem Cells & Regenerative Biology Symposium and Joint HK Society for Cell Biology Symposium was successfully held on 11-12 Nov 19. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Open Lecture by Prof David Russell Marsh
Date: 8/11/2018
We are delighted to have invited Prof David Russell Marsh, Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics, University College London to give us a Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lecture on 31 October 2019.
The open lecture were well received by the orthopaedic surgeons and our research staff. [ More ]
CCE Visit 2019
Date: 6/11/2019
The CCE Visit 2019 was successfully held in the Seminar Room, 9/F, Main Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 5 November 2019. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
The 39th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 2-3 Nov, 2019
Date: 5/11/2019
The 39th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 2-3 Nov, 2019:
Arthur Yau Award: - Dr. Henry PANG
"Using Ultrasound for Screening Scoliosis to Reduce Unnecessary Radiographic Radiation: A Prospective Diagnostic Accuracy Study on 442 Schoolchildren from the Scoliosis Screening Program in Hong Kong"
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald
"Enhancing Osteoporotic Metaphyseal Fracture Healing with Low-Magnitude High-Frequency Vibration - Profound Roles of Osteocytes in Responding to Mechanical Stimulation"
The Best Paper Award for Associate Member: - Ms. CHIM Yu Ning, Avice
"Low-Magnitude High-Frequency Vibration Modulates Macrophage Polarization and Restores Inflammatory Response in Osteoporotic Fracture Healing in Rat Model"
The Best Poster Award: - Prof. CHOW Kwoon-ho, Simon
"Low-magnitude High-frequency Vibration Treatment Attenuates Age-related Neuromuscular Junction Degeneration"
Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald won the Best paper award of Trauma Chapter. Dr. CHUI Chun-sing, Elvis won the Dr. Yeung Sai-Hung Trophy in the AJR Chapter. Dr. Henry PANG won the Best paper award of Paediatric Chapter. Dr. LO Chun-kwong and Prof. ONG Tim-yun, Michael also won the Gold and Silver awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!! [ More ]
9th CUHK Int'l Symposium on Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, 1st Int'l Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society Stem Cells & Regenerative Biology Symposium and Joint HK Society for Cell Biology Symposium
Date: 29/10/2019
11-12 November, 2019 (Monday-Tuesday)
1/F Auditorium, Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
Our colleagues participated in the HKOA Soccer Day 2019 held in the Jockey Club Kit Chee Centre on 20 October 2019. Here are some of the happy moments for sharing.
[ More ]
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2019 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 中大運動醫學日2019
Date: 9/10/2019
The Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2019 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 中大運動醫學日2019 is cancelled.
International Symposium on Applications of 3D Printing in Orthopaedics, 28-29 Mar, 2020
Date: 24/9/2019
Rescheduled (originally on 28-29 March, 2020)
Day 1: Lectures; Day 2: Workshop
Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong
Registration Fee:
Day 1: $200 Day 2: $400 Both days: $500
Registration Deadline:
28 February, 2020 (Friday)
For registration, please send completed registration form by email to olc-ort@cuhk.edu.hk. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 3505-1601 / 3483 / 3074 or via e-mail to olc-ort@cuhk.edu.hk.
International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF) Current and Prospective Management of Osteoporotic Fractures - Conference and Workshop, 3-4 Jan, 2020
Date: 24/9/2019
Rescheduled (originally on 3-4 January, 2020)
Conference: January 3 & 4 (AM), Fri & Sat Workshop: January 4 (PM), Sat
Kai Chong Tong, Postgraduate Education Center, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong
Registration Fee:
Free Attendance Registration is Required (First-come-first-served Basis) Registration Form
Registration Deadline:
29 November, 2019 (Friday)
Please refer to our website for further updates: ICFF Webpage. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 3505-1654 / 3074 / 1601 or via e-mail to olc-ort@cuhk.edu.hk.
The Happy Muscle Happy Knees Exercise Program were successfully held in the Seminar Room, 9/F Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 26 Aug 19 (Mon) and 30 Aug 19 (Fri). Here are some of the highlights. [ More ][ Homepage ]
Seminar by Prof Ling QIN (USA)
Date: 8/8/2019
Single cell transcriptome analysis of bone mesenchymal cells
Prof Ling QIN
(Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Co-Director of PCMD Histology Core University of Pennsylvania, USA)
16 August 2019 (Friday)
11:00am - 12:00noon
Seminar Room, 1/F Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics North Wing, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action Kick-off Ceremony, 22 June 2019
Date: 28/6/2019
The Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action was launched at Kowloon Park Sports Centre on 22 June 2019. The project, a collaboration between Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, CUHK and Dr. Stephen Hui Research Centre for Physical Recreation and Wellness, HKBU, with support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
In this project, over 300 peer leaders aged between 50 and 69 will be recruited and trained to be Mus-Fit Ambassadors to lead their peer groups and convey health messages to the community. Experts from CUHK and HKBU will work together to organize Ambassador Training Courses and implement this health promotion project for the elderly in Hong Kong. 20,000 participants will be recruited to join a 1-year exercise program.
Also, online platforms will be established to reach and educate the elderly in Hong Kong about a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, focusing on muscle strengthening for preventing and relieving musculoskeletal problems. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Seminar by CAE Academician Prof Cheng Jing
Date: 17/5/2019
Prof Cheng Jing
(Cheung Kong Professor, Medical Systems Biology Research Center, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University School of Medicine
Director, National Engineering Research Center, Beijing Biochip Technology)
24 May 2019 (Friday)
16:00 - 17:00
5/F Dept Conference Room, Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
Instructional Lecture by Prof Mohit Bhandari
Date: 6/5/2019
"Secrets of Success to Publish in High Impact Journals"
"New Insights on the Interpretation of Meta-Analysis"
Prof Mohit Bhandari
(Professor, Department of Surgery, McMaster University
Academic Head, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, McMaster University)
10 May 2019 (Friday)
11:30 - 12:30 (Postgraduate Seminar start at 9:00)
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital (map)
Academic Lecture and Keynote Lecture by Prof Lynda Bonewald
Date: 17/4/2019
Research Seminar
6 May, 2019 (Monday)
12:00nn - 1:00pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T. (map)
Prof Lynda Bonewald
(Director, Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health
Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology and Orthopaedic Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, USA)
"The Exercised Muscle Metabolite, L-BAIBA, Targets the Osteocyte to Maintain Bone Mass "
Workshop on Paper Writing
6 May, 2019 (Monday)
4:00pm - 5:30pm
Prof Lynda Bonewald
"So You Want a CNS Paper? "
Keynote Lecture on Osteocytes
7 May, 2019 (Tuesday)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Prof Lynda Bonewald
"Why and How Can the Osteocyte Have So Many Functions?"
CUHK-HKSSH Invited Guest Lecture and Mini-Symposium on Wrist Biomechanics
Date: 26/3/2019
Cadaveric Course
26 March, 2019 (Tuesday)
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Bioskill Lab, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T. (map)
Prof Marc Garcia-Elias
(Co-Founder & Staff Member. Institut Kaplan, Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, Barcelona (Spain)
Upper Limb Research Coordinator. Fundacio Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron- Instiut de Recerca, Unvisitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
President-elect. International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand)
"Approaches to CMCJ" "Wrist and Forearm: Basic and Advanced"
Guest Lecture
27 March, 2019 (Wednesday)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T. (map)
Prof Marc Garcia-Elias
"Why the osteoarthritic wrist is so often asymptomatic"
Mini-Symposium on Wrist Biomechanics
28 March, 2019 (Thursday)
10:00am - 1:00pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T. (map)
Prof Marc Garcia-Elias
"The Latest in the Basal Thumb Biomechanics" "How We Knew What We Know?"
The Annual Lunch 2019 was successfully held on 22 March 19. There were over 250 guests and fellows and we all had a wonderful time. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Lunch Symposium by Prof Wafa Skalli
Date: 25/3/2019
The Lunch Symposium by Prof Wafa Skalli was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 14 March 19. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Lunch Symposium by Prof Wafa Skalli
Date: 7/3/2019
"Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine in Relation to Global Postural Analysis and Musculoskeletal Modeling"
"Combining EOS with Motion Analysis for Sports and Rehabilitation"
"Osteoporosis Imaging with EOS?"
Prof Wafa Skalli
(Professor of Universités à Arts et Métiers ParisTech
Founder & Scientific Director of l'Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak)
14 March 2019 (Thursday)
13:00 - 14:15 (Refreshment served at 12:30)
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital (map)
"Screening, Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Pathological DDH in the Child"
Prof Robin William Paton
(Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Honorary Professor, Faculty of Clinical & Biomedical Sciences, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN)
King James IV Professor, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 2016/17)
19 March 2019 (Tuesday)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T. (map)
The UMC Utrecht Visit was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 10 - 11 Jan 2019. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
The 11th Lecture Series by Academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), Prof. ZHANG Yingze 張英澤院士
Date: 14/12/2018
The 11th Lecture Series by Academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 8 Dec 18 (Sat). The lecture "我的創新與我的創新之路" were well received by the orthopaedic surgeons and our research staff. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Budding Well 2018 Year-End Christmas Sharing Event
Date: 14/12/2018
The Budding Well 2018 Year-End Christmas Sharing Event was successfully held in the 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics North Wing, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin on 8 Dec 18 (Sat). Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Best Original Research Competition for Trainees 2018 Award
Date: 10/12/2018
Congratulations!! Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald is awarded the Gold Medal in the HKAM Best Original Research Competition for Trainees 2018 on 7 Dec 2018 (Fri). Here are some of the happy moments for sharing. [ More ]
2018 AFSM Biennial Congress cum HKASMSS 30th Anniversary Sport Medicine Conference, 30 Nov - 2 Dec, 2018
Date: 10/12/2018
The 2018 AFSM Biennial Congress cum HKASMSS 30th Anniversary Sport Medicine Conference was successfully held in the Hong Kong Sports Institute (25 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, Hong Kong) on Fri-Sun, 30 Nov - 2 Dec 18. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
CUHK Sets Asia's First Three-dimensional Bone Density Standard For Early Diagnosis of Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention
Date: 27/11/2018
In Hong Kong, it is estimated that those aged over 50 years will increase to more than 60% of the population in 2050.1* Population aging is associated with an increase in musculoskeletal problems. Osteoporosis, the disease caused by the decrease in bone density and can lead to fragility fracture, is one of the problems that cannot be ignored. In this regard, the Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has conducted a series of researches to reduce the impact of osteoporosis on patients and the medical burden caused by the disease through advanced diagnostic tools and innovative prevention programmes.
Based on years of clinical researches, the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK has set the first three-dimensional (3D) Bone Density Standard in Asia by using high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT). The standard helps set bone density references for Chinese men and women of different age groups, thereby developing early diagnosis of osteoporosis and assessment of fracture risk to increase the awareness of patients so that necessary precautionary measures may be taken to minimise the risk of falling down, which leads to fracture. These findings have just been published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
15,000 osteoporotic fracture cases every year and the death rate is as high as 20%
There are 15,000 osteoporotic fracture cases every year and the death rate of these patients within one year is 20%, much higher than the 2% mortality rate of those at the same age but without osteoporotic fracture.
Distal forearm fracture, vertebral fracture and hip fracture are common in osteoporosis patients. Of these, the number of hip fracture cases is expected to double by 2031. Professor Patrick Shu Hang YUNG, Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK, stated, "Fragility fracture requires surgical treatment but the operation and the post-operation rehabilitation are complex. Therefore, early diagnosis of osteoporosis is important in order to raise the awareness of the patients and reduce their risk of fractures caused by falls."
CUHK installed the advanced diagnostic device to set Asia's first bone density standard
Dual X-ray energy Absorptiometry (DXA) is the conventional standard for clinical diagnosis of osteoporosis. Total body composition, including fat mass, lean mass and total bone mineral density, can be obtained by whole body scan. But DXA can only provide 2D images, with insufficient bone density data for accurate prediction of the fragility fracture risk.
To solve this problem, CUHK installed the 3D imaging device HR-pQCT which can perform precise analysis of the bone micro-architecture and trabecular connectivity through scanning for calculating the bone strength.
The Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK has conducted a study using HR-pQCT to collect the bone density data from over 1,000 individuals and set the first 3D Bone Density Standard in Asia. In 2015 to 2017, the research team carried out scanning with HR-pQCT on 1,072 healthy individuals aged 20 to 79 years old. The bone density of the participants' distal radius and tibia were measured. By using the data, the bone density references of male and female of different age groups have been set.
The bone density standard helps medical professionals to judge if the bone loss in an individual is critical and predict the fragility fracture risk. The device is also important for studying treatment efficacy as it can monitor bone change during treatment without bone biopsy.
Professor Ling QIN from the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK, added, "HR-pQCT helps develop diagnosis of osteoporosis at early stage and differentiate bone metabolic diseases of different nature. In addition to assessing the hand and leg joints, the device can be used to assess knee joints which provide a new approach to the diagnosis and evaluation of osteoarthritis."
Strengthen muscle exercises to reduce fracture risk due to falls
In fact, skeletal muscle mass, muscle force and physical performance of the human body degrade with age. Professor Timothy Chi Yui KWOK, Director of the CUHK Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control of the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK, explained, "Our study results show that sarcopenia can be observed more frequently in men than women. The muscle strength and toughness of the patients are reduced and their ability in body balance is also weakened. Their risks of falls as well as fracture are thereby increased. So the public should pay attention to sarcopenia too."
Osteoporosis patients may suffer bone fracture even from a slight collision. Professor Louis Wing Hoi CHEUNG, Associate Professor of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK, said, "After diagnosis, it is essential to strengthen the muscle of osteoporosis patients in order to reduce their fracture risk from falls. Our clinical research proves that, besides doing exercises, non-pharmaceutical biophysical interventions like 'vibration therapy' improves muscle strength and balancing ability of osteoporosis patients. Hence, their rate of falls and fracture is reduced by 40%."
Ongoing developments: Prevention of fall programme in community and interdisciplinary and multinational studies on osteoporosis
To increase public awareness of fracture prevention, CUHK has been organising different promotional activities in the community, such as providing anti-fall training for the older people and community workers. In the future, it hopes to conduct more interdisciplinary and multinational studies to strengthen the prevention and treatment of fractures, sarcopenia and osteoarthritis.
8th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Date: 25/11/2018
8th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine was successfully held on 24 Nov 18. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
8th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Date: 19/11/2018
24th November, 2018 (Saturday)
Seminar Room, 1/F Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics North Wing, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
Shoulder Biomechanics Research Summit 2018 was successfully held in the Hong Kong Sports Institute (25 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, Hong Kong) on Sat-Sun, 17-18 Nov 18. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
The 38th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 3-4 Nov, 2018
Date: 9/11/2018
The 38th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 3-4 Nov, 2018:
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald
The Best Paper Award for Associate Member: - Ms. Chim Yu Ning, Avice
The Best Poster Award: - Dr. HUNG Lik-hang, Alec
Dr. KY Chung won the Dr. David Fang Trophy and Dr. Dennis Wong won the Dr. Vincent Chan Trophy in the AJR Chapter. Prof. TP Lam won the Best paper award of Paediatric Chapter. Dr. HUANG Wenhan, Prof. LEONG Hio-teng, Annie and Prof. Michael Ong also won the Gold, Silver & Bronze awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!! [ More ]
CCE Visit 2018
Date: 8/11/2018
The CCE Visit 2018 was successfully held in the Seminar Room, 9/F, Main Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 7 November 2018. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Open Lecture by Prof Perry Schoenecker
Date: 8/11/2018
We are delighted to have invited Prof Perry Schoenecker, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine to give us a Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lecture on 1 November 2018.
The open lecture were well received by the orthopaedic surgeons and our research staff. [ More ]
Shoulder Biomechanics Research Summit 2018, 16-18 Nov, 2018
Date: 29/10/2018
17 November - 18 November, 2018 (Saturday to Sunday)
Hong Kong Sports Institute (25 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, Hong Kong)
Target Audience:
• Researchers • Medical professionals & allied health professionals • Biomedical engineering professionals • Students from medical/healthcare/sports-related programme • Sports medicine & sports science practioners • Sports Coaches and trainers
SMART Fun Day 運動醫學日 2018 was successfully held in the Innocentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon on Sat-Sun, 20-21 Oct 18. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ][ Homepage ][ Facebook Page ]
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Open Lecture by Prof Perry Schoenecker
Date: 24/10/2018
"Primary Management of DDH: Essentials, Pitfalls and Hints" Followed by case discussion
Prof Perry Schoenecker
(Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine)
1 November 2018 (Thursday)
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T. (map)
CUHK Orientation Day 2018 was successfully held on 20 Oct 2018, here are some of the highlights of the O&T booth.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) held its Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions, drawing about 56 thousand visitors to the campus, many of whom were secondary school teachers, students and parents. [ More ]
Asia Pacific Wrist Association – Travelling Fellowship Lecture 2018
Date: 23/10/2018
Dr. Zhi-xin WANG
(Resident, Department of Hand Surgery, Beijing Ji Shui Tan Hospital, Beijing, China)
The Performance of Physical Examination in the Diagnosis of TFCC Injuries
Dr. Ziyang ZHANG
(Associate Senior Surgeon, Department of Orthopaedics, Tonghi Hospital, Wuhan, Hubei, China)
Current Concept of Vascularized Bone Graft for Scaphoid Non-union
Dr. Lei ZHU
(Director, Department of Hand Surgery, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China)
Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma of Lunate Bone
30 October 2018 (Tuesday)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Seminar Room, 9/F., Main Clinical Block & Trauma Centre (New Block)
Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
The Dean Visit was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 16 October 2018. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Monthly Research Seminar
Date: 13/9/2018
Prof. Mohit Bhandari
(Professor and Academic Head of Division of Orthopaedic Surgery , McMaster University, Canada)
Instructional Lecture: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (3:50pm - 4:50pm)
13 September 2018 (Thursday)
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Instructional lecture and case discussion for individual PGS's manuscript on related topics
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
HKCOS Specialty Day in Clinical Research - EBO Support Scheme for HKCOS Trainees Induction Workshop on Biostatistics and Clinical Research Methodology
Date: 10/9/2018
The HKCOS Specialty Day in Clinical Research - EBO Support Scheme for HKCOS Trainees Induction Workshop on Biostatistics and Clinical Research Methodology was successfully held on 8 September 2018.
Prof. Mohit Bhandari, Professor and Academic Head of Division of Orthopaedic Surgery , McMaster University, Canada gave us an illuminating lecture on "Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis Methodology". The lecture were well received by the HKCOS Trainees. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
SMART Fun Day 運動醫學日 2018
Date: 6/9/2018
We are pleased to announce that the SMART Fun Day 運動醫學日 2018 will be held on 20-21 Oct 2018 (Sat-Sun). Registration starts on 6 Sep 2018, 12:00noon. For details of the SMART Fun Day, please visit www.cuhksmart.hk.
20-21 Oct 2018 (Sat-Sun)
10:00am - 6:00pm
InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
The department celebration dinner for Dr Lucci's passing of the fellowship examination, the success in the membership examinations of Dr Jacky, Dr Jonathan, Dr Leo, Dr Michael and Dr Dennis, and the promotion of Dr PC Ho was held on 9 August 2018. Here are some of the happy moments for sharing. [ More ]
Department Chairman appointment announcement
Date: 1/8/2018
We are pleased to announce that Professor Patrick SH Yung has been appointed as Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is effective from 1st August, 2018.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Professor Jack CY Cheng for his vision, leadership and dedication to the Department in his services as Department Chairman.
ASSH The Sterling Bunnell Travelling Fellow Lecture by Dr. Sanjeev Kakar
Date: 1/8/2018
The ASSH The Sterling Bunnell Travelling Fellow Lecture by Dr. Sanjeev Kakar was successfully held in the Seminar Room, 9/F, Main Clinical Block & Trauma Centre (New Block) Prince of Wales Hospital on 31 July 2018 (Tue). Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Croucher Summer Course 2018: "Stem Cells Biology and Regenerative Medicine", 15-21 July 2018
Date: 30/7/2018
The Croucher Summer Course 2018: "Stem Cells Biology and Regenerative Medicine" was successfully held on 15-21 July 2018. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
The First Hong Kong International Interdisciplinary Clinical 3D Printing Forum 2018
Date: 27/7/2018
The First Hong Kong International Interdisciplinary Clinical 3D Printing Forum 2018 will be held on 28 July 2018 (Sat).
A Special Lecture by Prof. Jack Cheng was successfully held on 24 July 2018. Here are some of the happy moments for sharing. [ More ]
ASSH The Sterling Bunnell Travelling Fellow Lecture by Dr. Sanjeev Kakar
Date: 25/7/2018
Sanjeev Kakar, MD, MRCS
(ASSH The Sterling Bunnell Travelling Fellow 2018 Consultant, Division of Hand Surgery, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery Vice Chair, Clinical Practice Committee, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery Associate Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota)
Demystifying the Mystique behind Ulnar Wrist Pain
31 July 2018 (Tuesday)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Seminar Room, 9/F., Main Clinical Block & Trauma Centre (New Block)
Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
35th Anniversary of CUHK PWH Orthopaedics cum 20th Anniversary of Orthopaedics in AHNH & TPH
Date: 30/5/2018
The 35th Anniversary of CUHK PWH Orthopaedics cum 20th Anniversary of Orthopaedics in AHNH & TPH Symposium and Banquet were successfully held on 26 May 2018 and we all had a wonderful day. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
The 11th Congress of Chinese Association of Orthopaedoc Surgeons (2018)
Date: 17/5/2018
Our colleagues participated in the 11th Congress of Chinese Association of Orthopaedoc Surgeons (2018) in Hangzhou on 11-12 May 2018. Dr. Ronald Wong won the Best paper award in the CAOS-HKCOS award paper sessions. Congratulations! Here are some of the happy moments for sharing. [ More ]
International Nurses Day 2018
Date: 14/5/2018
Our colleagues participated in International Nurses Day 2018 in the Prince of Wales Hospital on 11 May 2018 (Fri). Here are some of the happy moments for sharing. [ More ]
HKCOS Fellowship Conferment Ceremony and Annual Dinner 2018
Date: 11/5/2018
Our colleagues participated in HKCOS Fellowship Conferment Ceremony and Annual Dinner 2018 on 9 May 2018 (Wed). Here are some of the happy moments for sharing. [ More ]
HA Convention Award Ceremony 2018
Date: 11/5/2018
Congratulations!! NTEC Replantation Team is awarded the 2018 Outstanding Staff and Teams Award in the HA Convention 2018 on 8 May 2018 (Tue). Dr. SW Law won the Best Oral Presentation Award and the Best Poster Display Award. Here are some of the highlights.
Prof. Andrew Carr
(Nuffield Professor of Orthopaedics, Director of the Musculoskeletal BRC Theme, Director of the Botnar Research Centre, University of Oxford, UK)
Improving Evidence for Orthopaedic Surgery (5:30pm - 6:30pm)
21 May 2018 (Monday)
3:30pm - 6:30pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
35th Anniversary of CUHK PWH Orthopaedics cum 20th Anniversary of Orthopaedics in AHNH & TPH
Date: 29/3/2018
We are happy to announce that the year 2018 marks the 35th Anniversary of our Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the 20th Anniversary of Orthopaedics in Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital and Tai Po Hospital. The symposium and banquet will be held on May 26, 2018, Saturday.
Symposium "35th Anniversary CUHK PWH Orthopaedics cum 20th Anniversary of Orthopaedics in AHNH & TPH: Collaborating in the Advancement of Orthopaedics: From Benchside, Bedside to Community"
8:30am - 1:30pm
Auditorium, 1/F, Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
The symposium will focus on (1) collaboration between the realms of basic science research, biomedical engineering, clinical practice and health promotion; (2) Research, clinical and community work by our institution in the past, present and directions for the future in different musculoskeletal conditions across the stages of life.
Fulum Palace, Shop 201, 2/F, Kings Wing Plaza 2, 1 On Kwan Street, Shek Mun, Shatin
Fixing a Loose Screw - Qin Ling experiments with bioactive implants
Date: 22/3/2018
It was through painful personal experience that Prof. Qin Ling first got interested in improving the way that doctors fix difficult fractures. But a fateful day on the ski slopes led him to a lifelong interest that he hopes will lead to improved surgical implants for all.
Instead of the permanent titanium plates or screws used now, Professor Qin's experimental implants simply dissolve within the body, reducing the risk of infection or the need for removal. That's because they are made of magnesium rather than the hard metal that's currently used.
Magnesium is a micronutrient that the body needs to consume regularly, and is present in our diet. So as well as dissolving naturally, the new orthopedic implants have a secondary benefit in that they serve as a supplement of sorts to the body's natural function. Magnesium is a 'bioactive' implant, whereas titanium or steel are 'bioinert.'
Professor Qin may not have happened down that path at all, were it not for a life-changing experience. He was one of the earliest participants in competitive skibob races, skiing contests where riders direct a tricycle-with-skis down the slope as fast as possible. The new federation promoting skibob as a contest invited participants from as many nations as possible to take part.
Professor Qin was studying for his doctorate at the German Sport University in Cologne at the time, and gladly accepted the invitation to race a skibob. He participated in three world-championship races, but met his match in the form of a black-rated piste at the Swiss resort of Davos.
He was unable to turn quickly enough in the race and ended up careening off-piste. In the resulting crash, he fractured his cheekbone in two places. He jumped at the chance when doctors said they could rejoin the bones in his face with a stainless-steel implant.
'When people get injured they are happy to be operated on as soon as possible,' Professor Qin says.
But within a year, his doctors advised him that the wire join would have to be removed. The worry was that micro-movements around the eye socket could ultimately lead to infection. To have to suffer through a second major surgery on his face was a devastating blow. 'The psychological burden is greater than the financial one,' he explains.
His experience led him to study fracture repair. Ultimately, he began working with magnesium as a metal to help secure fracture sites.
Magnesium does not have the strength of permanent metallic implants such as titanium. That actually proves an advantage since the bones involved gradually strengthen around the join site. With a titanium implant, the body learns to rely on the metal for stabilization, and the bone does not regrow as well...[more]
2018 JSSH-HKSSH Ambassador Lecture cum Mini-Symposium on CMCJ Osteoarthritis
Date: 5/3/2018
Oversea Speaker:
Kosuke UEHARA M.D.
(Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan)
13 March 2018 (Tuesday)
Seminar Room, 9/F, Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital
6:00pm - 7:00pm
1. Osteoarthritis of The Carpo-metacapal Joint of The Thumb (Kosuke UEHARA M.D.)
2. Development of Outcome Measure for The Upper Extremity Using AIC Network (Kosuke UEHARA M.D.)
1. Arthroscopic 1st CMC joint fusion (Dr. Esther Ching-san CHOW)
2. Treatment of CMCJ OA with mini-tight rope suspensionplasty (Dr. Tse Wing Lim)
The Visiting Professor Lecture was successfully held in the Prince of Wales Hospital on 28 February 2018 - 1 March 2018 (Wed-Thu). Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Visiting Professor Lecture
Date: 26/2/2018
Prof. James O. Sanders
(Chief Division of Pediatric Orthopaedics, Director of Pediatric Surgical Services, Professor of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation , Professor of Pediatrics University of Rochester and Golisano Children's Hospital, USA)
Prof. René M. Castelein
(Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands)
28 February 2018 (Wednesday)
9/F Seminar Room, Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre, PWH
8:00am - 9:00am
Department Wednesday Clinical Meeting
1. Decision Making in Children's Supracondylar Humerus Fractures (Prof. J Sanders)
2. Clinical case discussions – Supracondylar fracture (Dr. Alec Hung / Dr. A Kumar)
OLC Seminar Rm, 1/F LKS Specialist Clinics (North Wing), PWH
11:00am - 12:30am
Department Research Flagship programs presentations - team leaders
1. Welcoming Introduction of Department (Prof. J Cheng ) 2. Hand and Wrist Arthroscopic Surgery- Experience Sharing (Dr. PC Ho) 3. Introduction of Research in Department (Prof. L Qin) 4. Musculoskeletal Aging Research (Prof. L Cheung) 5. Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell Research (Prof. G Li) 6. Sports Medicine and Regenerative Technology (SMART) (Prof. P Yung) 7. Innovative Orthopaedic Biomaterial and Drug Translational Research (Prof. L Qin) 8. Application of Navigation/3D printing in MSK Tumor and related Research (Prof. SM Kumta)
5:30pm - 6:40pm
Open Lecture
1. Growth and Maturation in Children Orthopaedics (Prof. J Sanders)
2. 3D Bio-printing in Orthopaedics (Prof. R Castelein)
1 March 2018 (Thursday)
9/F Seminar Room, Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre, PWH
8:45am - 10:00am
Departmental Division A Clinical Meeting
1. Early onset Scoliosis (Prof. J Sanders)
2. Early onset Scoliosis Part II (Prof. R Castelein)
3. Navigation in AIS (Dr. B Ng)
OLC Seminar Rm, 1/F LKS Specialist Clinics (North Wing), PWH
10:00am - 12:00am
1. CAOS 3D printing in Limb Deformity correction (Dr. Alec Hung )
2. Clinical case conference – Paediatric orthopaedics X file patients (Prof. J Sanders )
1:30pm - 5:30pm
AIS Research - Collaboration and future directions
1. 22q11 Deletion Syndrome and Scoliosis (Prof. R Castelein)
2. AIS -What we know and what we need to know (Prof. J Sanders)
3. AIS Team - basic to clinical research presentations (AIS Team members)
4. Potential Project Collaborations and discussions
Journal of Orthopaedic Translation (JOT) has been indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
Date: 6/2/2018
We are proud to announce that our resident journal, Journal of Orthopaedic Translation (JOT), has been indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded and it will receive its first impact factor in June 2018. The Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Qin, Professor in the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology; he launched this journal in 2013 and he has worked tirelessly over the years to establish it in the field of orthopaedics, not just in the scientific community, but also in the clinical community. We look forward to seeing what JOT has to offer with this new platform that will truly help to expand JOT across the globe. [ More ]
Clinical Research Review Seminar with Orthopaedic Trainees
Date: 17/1/2018
The Clinical Research Review Seminar with Orthopaedic Trainees was successfully held in the Seminar Room, 9/F, Main Clinical Block & Trauma Centre (New Block) Prince of Wales Hospital on 11 January 2018 (Thu). Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Research Seminar
Date: 17/1/2018
The Research Seminar was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 10 January 2018 (Wed). Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Visiting Professor Seminars
Date: 8/1/2018
Prof. Mohit Bhandari (Canada Research Chair in Musculoskeletal Trauma and Surgical Outcomes Associate Member, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact Academic Head, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Professor, Department of Surgery McMaster University, Canada)
10 January 2018 (Wednesday)
9/F Seminar Room, Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre, PWH
9:00am - 10:00am
Department Wednesday Clinical Meeting
1. The Evidence for Platelet Rich Plasma in Orthopaedics (Prof. M. Bhandari)
2. Introduction to ORTHOevidence (Prof. M. Bhandari)
OLC Seminar Rm, 1/F LKS Specialist Clinics (North Wing), PWH
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Research Seminar
1. Understanding Guidelines - The Power and Problems! (Prof. M. Bhandari) 2. Constructing age-specific reference curves for volumetric BMD and bone microarchitecture from HR-pQCT: A normal reference study (Dr. Tracy Zhu)
11 January 2018 (Thursday)
9/F Seminar Room, Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre, PWH
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Clinical Research Review Seminar with Orthopaedic Trainees (Prof. M. Bhandari, PANT Trainees)
13 January 2018 (Saturday)
Kai Chong Tong, Postgraduate Education Centre, PWH
8:30am - 10:00am
Saturday Inter-hospital Meeting
1. Evidence-based Orthopaedics in Trauma: Geriatric Hip Fractures (Prof. M. Bhandari)
2. Fragility Fracture Clinical Data Analysis in Hong Kong - from the past to future (Dr. KB Lee / Dr. YL Lee)
3. Ortho-geriatric Care Model in UCH (Dr. Albert Hsu)
Service Project "Budding Well" Year-End Christmas Sharing Event
Date: 21/12/2017
"Budding Well" is a non-profit making health service project established in March 2016 under the support of the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is a continuation of a previous project "Life Oasis" found since 2002 with a similar project goal. We provide special rehabilitation services through music, art and sport activities directly to children and youths with congenital anomalies, traumatic injury and other acquired chronic illness of the upper and lower limb who require long term orthopaedic treatment and follow up care.
With the support of the Dept. of Ortho and Trauma, PWH and the collaboration with Hong Kong SlixSoceity, the project has organized different activities in its first year. There are harmonica, art, badminton classes, theme talk. We are delighted to share the festive spirit with Budding Well and HK SlixSoceity members, friends, volunteers, tutors and committee members at the Year-End Christmas Sharing Event on 16 December, 2017. [ More ]
HKOA 18th Prof. Arthur Yau Memorial Cup (Soccer)
Date: 17/12/2017
Our colleagues participated in HKOA 18th Prof. Arthur Yau Memorial Cup (Soccer) held in the Jockey Club Kit Chee Centre on 17 December 2017. [ More ]
Department Thankful Day & Monthly Research Seminar
Date: 15/12/2017
Department Thankful Day & Monthly Research Seminar was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 15 December 2017. Over 100 colleagues enjoyed the lunch. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Hong Kong Musician Hand Disorder Seminar
Date: 6/12/2017
The Hong Kong Musician Hand Disorder Seminar - "Musician's Hand: Dystonia and Beyond" was successfully held in the Seminar Room 1, Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building, Prince of Wales Hospital on 2 December 2017. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
CCE Visit
Date: 28/11/2017
The CCE Visit was successfully held in the Seminar Room, 9/F, Main Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 14 November 2017. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
The Musician's Hand: Dystonia and Beyond
Date: 27/11/2017
"The Musician's Hand: Dystonia and Beyond"
Oversea Speakers:
Takaomi TAIRA, Tokyo Women's Medical University Tokyo, Japan Shiro HORISAWA, Tokyo Women's Medical University Tokyo, Japan
Local Speakers:
Norman LEE, Faculty member (Piano) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University Arthur MAK, Assistant Professor (Clinical) Department of Psychiatry, CUHK Michael MAK, Specialist, Department of Orthopaedics and Tramatology, CUHK
2 December 2017 (Saturday)
8:30am - 1:00pm (Light breakfast will be served at 7:45am.)
Seminar Room 1, Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T.
7th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Date: 23/11/2017
The 7th CUHK international symposium on stem cell and regenerative medicine was successfully held in the 1/F Auditorium, Main Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 13 November 2017.
The main topics of the symposium this year consist of biology of regenerative medicine, musculoskeletal regeneration and translational research. More than 20 speakers have presented in our meeting from USA, Europe, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
SMART Fun Day 運動醫學日 2017
Date: 21/11/2017
SMART Fun Day 運動醫學日 2017 was successfully held in the Innocentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon on Sat-Sun, 14-15 Oct 17. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
The 37th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 4-5 Nov, 2017
Date: 10/11/2017
The 37th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 4-5 Nov, 2017:
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Dr. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald
"Key Determinants of Effective Therapeutic Control of Curve Progression with Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis — A Randomised Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial"
The Best Poster Award: - Prof. LAM Tsz-ping
"Oestrogen Receptor Expression in Primary Osteoblasts is not Enhanced in Vitro by Vibrational Stimulation without Oestrogen Supplement"
Dr. Ellis Wong won the Vincent Chan's trophy of AJR Chapter Best Paper. Dr. Michael Ong and Prof. KM Mok also won the Gold & Silver awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!! [ More ]
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lecutre by Prof Teruhisa Mihata
Date: 8/11/2017
We are delighted to have invited Prof Teruhisa Mihata, Chief, Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, and Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Osaka Medical College to give us a Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lecture on 3 November 2017.
The public lecture were well received by the orthopaedic surgeons and our research staff. [ More ]
CUHK Orientation Day 2017
Date: 23/10/2017
CUHK Orientation Day 2017 was successfully held on 21 Oct 2017, here are some of the highlights of the O&T booth.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong held its Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions, drawing over 53,000 visitors to the campus. [ More ]
Straighten Up: Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Date: 20/10/2017
Nicholas Andry was a French physician who holds an important place in the history of orthopaedics, as it was he who forged the word Orthopédie, derived from the Greek words ortho (straight) and paideia (child-rearing), in a book published in 1741. Outside of medicine, the principal impact of the book derives from the engraving on the frontispiece, which shows a crooked sapling tied to a straight stake, a metaphor for the correction of deformities in children. The splinted 'Tree of Andry' has since become the symbol for many orthopaedic organizations around the world, including that for the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of CUHK.
The tree in the Department's logo is a Bauhinia, indicated by its heart-shaped leaves. In 1982 when the Department was established by Prof. P.C. Leung, the Bauhinia blakeana—a flower which blooms profusely in the winter—had served as the floral insignia of Hong Kong for around two decades. The plume of green hearts, big and small, also suggests that being an orthopaedist or traumatologist takes much heart and dedication. The English name of the department crowns the canopy.
The crooked trunk symbolizes the deformed spine of a child. It is tied to a post with the Chinese name of the Department inscribed vertically on it, which takes the form of one of the four Chinese pillars at the University's main entrance on Tai Po Road. Known as huabiao, the pillar is a traditional Chinese symbol of responsibility, nobility and rectitude.
Some 270 years ago Andry recommended to correct a bent leg by bandaging it to an iron plate as was commonly done to straighten a crooked young tree. Back then it was a revolutionary idea, but orthopaedic surgery technologies have been evolving for the past centuries, starting from the biocompatible metal instruments used to reposition joints and continuing through to modern laser techniques. The two parallel bars of fixators in the Department's logo represent modern orthopaedics and traumatology, as compared with the squiggly rope used to tie the sapling in the original Tree of Andry.
Designed by Prof. Leung Kwok-sui and his former student Dr. Paul Liu, the logo unites tradition with innovation, East with West, an approach that resonates well with the core mission of the University.
7th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
Date: 17/10/2017
We are pleased to announce the 7th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine will be held in the 1/F Auditorium, Main Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 13 November 2017(Mon).
Dr. Lui Che Woo Distinguished Professor Public Lecture by Professor Freddie H. Fu
Date: 9/10/2017
Dr. Lui Che Woo Distinguished Professor Public Lecture by Professor Freddie H. Fu was successfully held in the Kai Chong Tong, G/F, Postgraduate Education Centre, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital on 29 September 2017 (Fri). Here are some of the highlights.
The Awardee of 2017 Hong Kong Humanity Award - Dr Law Sheung-wai
Date: 9/10/2017
Hong Kong Humanity Award 2017, 7 Oct, 2017:
The Awardee of the Hong Kong Humanity Award 2017: - Dr Law Sheung-wai
An orthopedic surgeon, travelled to the mainland China every week to offer clinical consultations and rehabilitative treatments, in the ensuing five months of Sichuan earthquake in 2008; still visiting Chengdu every half a year currently, to follow up on the rehabilitation progress of his medical service recipients.
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture by Prof Teruhisa Mihata
Date: 4/10/2017
"Arthroscopic Superior Capsule Reconstruction in Patients with Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears – Evolution to make it a success and patient back to Sports!"
Prof Teruhisa Mihata, MD, PhD
(Chief, Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, and Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Osaka Medical College)
3 November 2017 (Friday)
6:30pm - 7:30pm * Tea Reception starts at 6:00pm
Room 301, 3/F Li Ka Shing Medical Sciences Building (Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Science), Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T. (map)
The APWA Travelling Fellowship Lecture 2017 was successfully held in the Seminar Room, 9/F., Main Clinical Block & Trauma Centre (New Block) Prince of Wales Hospital on 19 September 2017 (Tue). Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
APWA Travelling Fellowship Lecture 2017
Date: 7/9/2017
We are pleased to announce the APWA Travelling Fellowship Lecture 2017 will be held in the Seminar Room, 9/F., Main Clinical Block & Trauma Centre (New Block) Prince of Wales Hospital on 19 September 2017 (Tue). [ Poster ]
Visiting Scholar Programme: Lecture and Sharing Session with Orthopaedic Trainees
Date: 30/8/2017
The Visiting Scholar Programme: Lecture and Sharing Session with Orthopaedic Trainees was successfully held on 29 Aug 17. We all enjoy the experiences sharing session. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
SMART Fun Day 運動醫學日 2017
Date: 17/8/2017
Thank you for the great support of SMART Convention & Expo for many years, we have officially renamed as SMART Fun Day 運動醫學日! SMART Fun Day 運動醫學日 2017 will be held in the Innocentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon on Sat-Sun, 14-15 Oct 17.
For more information, please visit our homepage! [ Homepage ]
Dr. Lui Che Woo Distinguished Professor Public Lecture by Professor Freddie H. Fu
Date: 10/8/2017
“60 Years of Excellence in Orthopaedic Research”
Professor Freddie H. Fu, MD, D.Sc. (Hon.), D.Ps. (Hon.)
(Distinguished Service Professor, University of Pittsburgh) (David Silver Professor and Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine)
29 September 2017 (Friday)
6:30pm - 7:15pm * Tea Reception starts at 6:00pm
Kai Chong Tong, G/F, Postgraduate Education Centre, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
We are pleased to announce that Dr. HO Pak-cheong has been appointed as Chief of Service (Orthopaedics & Traumatology), Prince of Wales Hospital, Chief of Service (Orthopaedics & Traumatology), Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital and Chief of Service (Orthopaedics Rehabilitation), Tai Po Hospital. It is effective from 7th July, 2017.
Positive Workplace Service Award (PWSA) Ceremony 2016/2017
Date: 28/6/2017
Congratulations! The CUHK Sports Medicine Team is awarded in the Positive Workplace Service (PWS) Award (Team Award) (2016/2017)! The team contribution in building up a positive workplace culture in the University are well recognized, including positive manners & attitude in the workplace, continuous learning, positive impact and contribution to the department and university, as well as evidence of positive feedback and outcome.
Department Research Day 2017
Date: 24/4/2017
The Department Research Day 2017 was successfully held in the Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 22 April 17. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Distinguished Scholar Lecture by Prof. Fanxin Long and organized by Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Date: 12/4/2017
“Making Bone: From Mesenchymal Progenitors to Metabolic Regulation ”
Prof. Fanxin LONG (Professor Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medicine and Developmental Biology, Washington University School of Medicine, USA )
26 April 2017 (Wednesday)
5:30pm - 6:15pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
Department Research Day 2017
Date: 5/4/2017
The Department Research Day 2017 will be held in Orthopaedic Learning Center on 22 April 2017 (Saturday).
2017 Hong Kong International Elbow Seminar and Workshop (7- 8 July)
Date: 28/3/2017
We are glad to announce that the 2017 Hong Kong International Elbow Seminar and Workshop will be held at the Prince of Wales Hospital on 7 – 8 July 2017 (Friday and Saturday). It is co-organized by the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology - The Chinese University of Hong Kong , Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APKASS) and The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand (HKSSH).
Seminar & Workshop
7 July 2017 (Friday) – Cadaveric Workshop
8 July 2017 (Saturday) – Seminar
09:00 – 18:00 (Tentative)
Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, HK
International Faculty: Dr. Shawn O’Driscoll (USA)
Dr. Denise Eygendaal (Netherland)
Dr. In-Ho Jeon (Korea)
Prof. Katsunori Inagaki (Japan)
The 30th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand, 25-26 Mar, 2017
Date: 27/3/2017
Congratulation! Dr. Michael Mak has won the Best Paper Award at the 30th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand held on 25-26 Mar, 2017:
Best Paper Award: - Dr. Michael Mak
“Neurovascular Island Flap for Pulp and Nail Augmentation in Thumb Duplication Reconstruction- a Novel Treatment with Long Term Follow up of 7.9 years” [ More ]
Ankle Arthroscopy Cadaver Course: Learn from the Master
Date: 21/3/2017
We are pleased to announce that the Ankle Arthroscopy Cadaver Course: Learn from the Master organized by the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong will be held at the Orthopaedic Learning Centre (OLC) on 1st June 2017.
The International Young Hand Surgeon Lecture will be held on 22 March 17.
Date: 22nd March, 2017 (Wed)
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Venue: Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
The 2017 Distinguished Scholar Lecture was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 15 Feb 17. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
2017 HKCOS Speciality Day in Clinical Research
Date: 14/2/2017
The 2017 HKCOS Speciality Day in Clinical Research was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 11 Feb 17. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Annual Lunch 2017
Date: 13/2/2017
The 2017 Annual Lunch was successfully held on 8 Feb 17. There were over 250 guests and fellows and we all had a wonderful time. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
2017 Distinguished Scholar Lecture
Date: 7/2/2017
15 February 2017 (Wednesday)
Prof. Mohit Bhandari (Academic Head, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Professor, Department of Surgery McMaster University, Canada)
9/F Seminar Room, Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre, PWH
8:00am - 9:00am
Department Wednesday Clinical Meeting:
Evidence-Based Orthopaedics: What It Takes to Succeed!
OLC Seminar Rm, 1/F LKS Specialist Clinics (North Wing), PWH
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Monthly Research Seminar:
Writing A Fundable Research Grant
5:30pm - 6:15pm
Distinguished Scholar Lecture: From Ideas to Action: The Power of Randomized Trials
The 9th CAE Academicians Visit Program was successfully held in the Room 301, 3/F, Li Ka Shing Medical Science Building, Prince of Wales Hospital on 7 Dec 16. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Departmental Research Seminar
Date: 25/11/2016
The Departmental Research Seminar was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 24 Nov 16. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Departmental Research Seminar
Date: 21/11/2016
24 November 2016 (Thursday)
Room 301, 3/F, Li Ka Shing Medical Sciences Building,
Prince of Wales Hospital
11:05am - 11:35am
Discovery and Development of Biologics for Treatment of Bone Diseases
Professor Hua Zhu (David) (Adjunct Professor, Department of Radiology, Division of Radiobiology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Utah, USA) (Visiting Professor, Guangdong Medical College, Zhangjiang, Guangdong, CHINA)
11:50am - 12:20pm
MicroRNA and Osteoarthritis
Professor Di CHEN (The John W. and Helen H. Watzek Professor of Biochemistry Chairperson, Department of Biochemistry, Rush Medical College, Rush University, Chicago, USA)
Room 303 3/F, Li Ka Shing Medical Sciences Building,
Prince of Wales Hospital
12:05pm - 12:35pm
Bioengineering, History, Present and Future?
Prof. Edmund YS Chao (Emeritus Professor of Mayo Clinic & Mayo School of Medicine Emeritus Professor of the Johns Hopkins University, USA)
6th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Date: 18/11/2016
The 6th CUHK international symposium on stem cell and regenerative medicine was successfully held in the Seminar Room 301, 3rd Floor, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, Prince of Wales Hospital on 11 Nov 16.
The main topics of the symposium this year consist of biology of regenerative medicine, musculoskeletal regeneration and translational research. More than 15 speakers have presented in our meeting from USA, Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Distinguished Scholar Lecture
Date: 9/11/2016
Distinguished Scholars Lecture was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 8 Nov 16. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
The 36th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 5-6 Nov, 2016
Date: 8/11/2016
The 36th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 5-6 Nov, 2016:
Arthur Yau Award: - Prof. LAM Tsz-ping
“Key Determinants of Effective Therapeutic Control of Curve Progression with Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis — A Randomised Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial”
The Best Paper Award for Associate Member: - Prof. Louis WH Cheung
“Influence of Sarcopenia on Osteoporotic Fracture Healing in Senescence-accelerated Mouse Model”
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Prof. Kevin KW Ho
“Comparing Oral Administration and Intra-articular Delivery of Quercetin with a Thermogel in an Osteoarthritic Rat Model”
The Best Poster Award: - Prof. Simon KH Chau
“Oestrogen Receptor Expression in Primary Osteoblasts is not Enhanced in Vitro by Vibrational Stimulation without Oestrogen Supplement”
Prof. LAM Tsz-ping won the Best Paper in the Paediatrics Chapter. Dr. TC Wong and Dr. Michael Ong also won the Silver & Bronze awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!! [ More ]
CUHK Orientation Day 2016
Date: 7/11/2016
CUHK Orientation Day 2016 was successfully held on 5 Nov 2016, here are some of the highlights of the O&T booth.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong held its Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions, drawing about 54,000 visitors to the campus. [ More ]
2016 Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lecture by Prof. Dennis R. Wenger and Distinguished Scholar Lecture by Prof. Mohit Bhandari
Date: 7/11/2016
2016 Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lecture by Prof. Dennis R. Wenger and Distinguished Scholar Lecture by Prof. Mohit Bhandari were successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 3 Nov 16. Here are some of the highlights.
Prof. Dennis R. Wenger, Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Clifornia – San Diego & Director of Pediatric Orthopaedic Training Program Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego delivered insightful lecture on “Will Your Child Live to be 100? Evoving Technology and Risk Benefits of Attempting Musculoskeletal Perfection”. And, the Academic Head, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Prof. Mohit Bhandari, Professor of Department of Surgery of McMaster University, Canada gave us an illuminating lecture on “To Succed, We Must Fail”.
The public lecture were well received by the orthopaedic surgeons and our research staff. [ More ]
Huaxia Innovative Medical Device Summit 2016 (Hong Kong)
Date: 7/11/2016
Huaxia Innovative Medical Device Summit 2016 (Hong Kong) was successfully held in the Kai Chong Tong, G/F School of Public Health and Primary Care Building, Prince of Wales Hospital on 28 Oct 16. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
HKOA 2016 Pre-congress Subspecialty Activities, 2016 Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lecture, Distinguished Scholar Program & Lecture
Date: 31/10/2016
3 November 2016 (Thursday)
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
2:15pm - 3:45pm (Distinguished Scholar Program)
Practical Tips to Publish Clinical Trial in High-Impact Journals
Prof. Mohit Bhandari (Academic Head, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery) (Professor, Department of Surgery, McMaster University, Canada)
Best Children’s Hospital Forum Paediatric OrthopaedicsUS News Experience
Prof. Dennis R. Wenger (Clinical Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of California - San Diego) (Director, Pediatric Orthopaedic Training Program, Rady Children’s Hospital - San Diego, USA)
5:30pm - 6:15pm (2016 Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lecture)
Will Your Child Live to be 100?Evolving Technology and Risk Benefits of Attempting Musculoskeletal Perfection
Prof. Dennis R. Wenger (Clinical Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of California - San Diego) (Director, Pediatric Orthopaedic Training Program, Rady Children’s Hospital - San Diego, USA)
6:15pm - 7:00pm (Distinguished Scholar Lecture)
To Succeed, We Must Fail
Prof. Mohit Bhandari (Academic Head, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery) (Professor, Department of Surgery, McMaster University, Canada)
Huaxia Innovative Medical Device Summit 2016 (Hong Kong)
Date: 12/10/2016
28 October 2016 (Friday)
9:00am - 5:15pm
Kai Chong Tong, G/F School of Public Health and Primary Care Building, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
Mandarin / English
The purpose of the meeting is to serve as a platform to exchange views and information between scientists, private investors and government bodies from Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong to facilitate translational research in potential medical technology, in particular with respect to musculoskeletal regeneration and rehabilitation technology. [ Flyer ][ Homepage ]
HK Fitnuts
Date: 11/10/2016
Keep fit is not difficult. Free mobile app developed by "Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science", "Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong" and "Hong Kong Dietitians Association". It provides tips for sport training and meal management. Let try it!!
[ News ][ More ][ Facebook ]
The 51st Annual Meeting & Course of Scoliosis Research Society (SRS), 21-24 Sep, 2016
Date: 30/9/2016
Congratulation! Prof. TP Lam has won the "Russell A. Hibbs Clinical Research Award" at the 51st Annual Meeting & Course of Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) held on 21-24 Sep, 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic:
Russell A. Hibbs Clinical Research Award: - Prof. TP Lam
“Preventing Curve Progression in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) with Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation - A Randomized Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Trial” Tsz Ping Lam, MD; Benjamin Hon Kei Yip, PhD; Elisa MS Tam, PhD; Gene Chi Wai Man, PhD; Wayne Lee, PhD; Kwong Man Lee; Fiona Wai Ping Yu, MPH; Yong Qiu, MD; Bobby Kin Wah Ng, MD; Jack C.Y. Cheng, MD [ Photo ][ More ]
2016 International Combined Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS), 21-25 Sep, 2016
Date: 29/9/2016
Congratulation! Our department staff and students have got 10 awards in the 2016-ICORS held on 21-25 Sep, 2016 in Xian:
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Prof. Lee Yuk-wai, Wayne
“Phase I clinical trial of intra-articular injection of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of wrist chondral defect”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Prof. ZHANG Jinfang
“H19 promotes tenogenic differentiation by functioning as a competing endogenous RNA”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Dr. TIAN Li
“A Novel Bioactive and Degradable Magnesium Screw with Polymer Coating Developed for Osteoporotic Fracture Fixation”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Dr. WANG Jiali
“Biodegradable magnesium interference screws accelerate mineralization of fibrous tissue at the tendon-bone insertion in anterior cruciate ligment recostruction model of rabbit”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Dr. XU Jiankun, Jerry
“Tendon-derived stem cell sheet enhance the repair of injured rotator cuff”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Dr. CHEN Bing
“Stand up and sit down assistance provided by CUHK-EXO exoskeleton”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Dr. FENG Lu
“LincRNA-Y modulates osteogenic differentiation via Wnt/β-catanin pathway”
Best Paper Awards: - Dr. HUANG Le
“Development of a novel bone-targeting delivery system carrying osteopromotive phytomolecule(s) for prevention of estrogen depletion induced osteoporosis
Best Paper Awards: - Dr. LIU Yang
“Anti-infective and osteogenic efficacy of a 3D-printed PLGA/HA scaffold grafted with quaternised chitosan”
Best Poster Awards: - Dr. TONG Wenxue
“Introducing Wnt16 Attenuates The Severity of Osteoarthritis” [ More ]
Visiting Program of Distinguished Scholars
Date: 27/9/2016
Visiting Program of Distinguished Scholars was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 27 Sep 16. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Visiting Program of BORS Fellows & University of Southern Denmark
Date: 19/9/2016
Visiting Program of BORS Fellows & University of Southern Denmark was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 19 Sep 16. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Monthly Research Seminar - Visiting Program of BORS Fellows & University of Southern Denmark
Date: 14/9/2016
Monthly Research Seminar - Visiting Program of BORS Fellows & University of Southern Denmark will be held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 19 Sep 16. [ More ]
SMART Convention & Expo 2016
Date: 5/9/2016
SMART Convention & Expo 2016 will be held in the MacPherson Stadium, No. 67 Yim Po Fong Street, Mokgkok, Kowloon on 15-16 Oct 16.
For more information, please visit our homepage! [ Homepage ]
2016 APKASS Congress & the 13th IFOSMA
Date: 14/6/2016
2016 APKASS Congress& the 13th IFOSMA was successfully held in the Jockey Club School of Public Health, Prince of Wales Hospital on 10-12 Jun 16.
The theme of 2016 APKASS Congress & the 13th IFOSMA is “Cutting Edge in Arthroscopic Surgery”. The Congress offers the perfect platform for orthopedists and researchers from the field of Knee Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine to exchange professional scientific knowledge and valuable clinical experiences.
We are pleased to be the co-organizer of this wonderful event. Lots of valuable experience was gained. [ Opening Ceremony Coverage ]
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) Annual Meeting 2016, 27-30 Apr, 2016
Date: 30/4/2016
Congratulation! Prof. TP Lam has won the Dennis R. Wenger Clinical Scientific Paper Award at the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) Annual Meeting 2016 held on 27-30 Apr, 2016 in Indianapolis:
Dennis R. Wenger Clinical Scientific Paper Award: - Prof. TP Lam
"Preventing Curve Progression with Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) - A Randomized Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Trial" [ More ]
Orthopaedics Residency Sharing Programme
Date: 18/3/2016
The Orthopaedics Residency Sharing Programme was successfully held on 17 Mar 16. We all enjoy the experiences sharing session. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Annual Lunch 2016
Date: 26/2/2016
The 2016 Annual Lunch was successfully held on 24 Feb 16. There were over 250 guests and fellows and we all had a wonderful time. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Annual Lunch 2016
Date: 28/1/2016
Dear Colleagues,
Our annual department lunch will be held on 24th February, 2016.
Open Lecture by Professor J. Christopher Gallagher and organized by Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Date: 21/1/2016
“Calcium and Vitamin D: Current Status”
Professor J. Christopher Gallagher (Professor of Medicine, Director of Bone Metabolism Unit, Division of Endocrinology, Creighton University)
28 January 2016 (Thursday)
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
Open Lecture by Prof. Wafa Skalli and organized by Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Date: 4/1/2016
“Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine in Relation to Spinal Instrumentation and Adjacent Disc Diseases” & “Combining EOS and motion analysis for sports and rehabilitation”
Prof. Wafa Skalli (Professor and Scientific Director, the Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak, Arts et Métiers ParisTech)
7 January 2016 (Thursday)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 78th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees
Date: 19/11/2015
At the Congregation, Professor Sung officiated at the installation of four outstanding professors as the Choh-Ming Li Professors. They have been recognized for their remarkable performance in teaching and research and their outstanding contributions to the Faculty and University. Established in 2013, this professorship was named after the late Dr. Choh-Ming Li, a distinguished scholar and the founding Vice-Chancellor of CUHK who laid the solid foundation of the University in its early years. Prof. Cheng Chun-yiu Jack was honored with Choh-Ming Li Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. [ More ]
5th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Date: 18/11/2015
5th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine was successfully held on 12 Nov 15. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
The 35th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 6-8 Nov, 2015
Date: 11/11/2015
The 35th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 6-8 Nov, 2015:
AR Hodgson Award: - Prof. LAM Tsz-ping
“Improving Low Bone Mass in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Using Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation — A Randomised Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Trial”
The Best Poster Award: - Dr. HUNG Lik-hang, Alec
“Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis–specific Hand Bone Age Atlas — A Cross-sectional Study of Bone Maturity Level from 986 X-ray Films Using a New Simplified Thumb Staging System”
Prof. LAM Tsz-ping won the Best Paper in the Paediatrics Section. Dr. Michael Ong and Dr. Patrick Yung also won the Best Paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!!
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lectures by Prof. Keith Willett and Dr. Yoshihisa Kotani
Date: 10/11/2015
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lectures by Prof. Keith Willett and Dr. Yoshihisa Kotani has been successfully held on Nov 5, 2015 (Tue) evening at Auditorium, 1/F, Main Clinical Block & Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital.
Prof. Keith Willett from Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery, University of Oxford & National Director for Acute Care, NHS England delivered insightful lecture on “Major Trauma System Reform – Transformation in the NHS in England”. And, the Vice President & Chief in Spine & Spinal Cord Center, Dr. Yoshihisa Kotani, Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Service of Steel Memorial Muroran Hospital, Muroran, Japan gave us an illuminating lecture on “The Management of Adult Spinal Deformity – The New Challenge in Aging Spine”.
The public lectures were well received by not only Orthopaedic surgeons but also undergraduate medical students, postgraduate students as well as our research staff. [ More ]
2015 Hong Kong International Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar cum 1st congress of Asia Pacific Wrist Association (APWA)
Date: 31/10/2015
2015 Hong Kong International Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar cum 1st congress of Asia Pacific Wrist Association (APWA) was successfully held on 31 Oct 2015, here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
CUHK Orientation Day 2015
Date: 27/10/2015
CUHK Orientation day 2015 was successfully held on 24 Oct 2015, here are some of the highlights of the O&T booth.
For the whole CUHK, it draws 65 thousand visitors to the campus. [ More ]
SMART 2015
Date: 10/10/2015
SMART Convention & Expo 2015 was successfully held on 10 Oct 2015 at the School of Public Health and Primary Care Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital. Themed with "Muscle Strain", "Low Back Pain" and "Core Muscle Training", the nineth year of SMART Convention & Expo has well attracted over 1000 person-time from the public as well as professionals from the sports industry. Please feel free to visit our photo gallery to refresh the memorable moments of the SMART Convention & Expo 2015!! [ More ]
2015 i-ORT Symposium
Date: 9/10/2015
2015 i-ORT Symposium was successfully held on 9 Oct 2015, here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
2015 i-ORT Symposium Registration
Date: 30/9/2015
The "2015 i-ORT Symposium" organized by the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, CUHK and Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, PWH will be held on Oct 9, 2015 at Prince of Wales Hospital. Please refer to http://www.standtallchina.org/iort/ for the latest program. [ Poster & Program ]
CUHK Introduces New Material for Osteoporosis-related Bone Fracture Effectively Reduces Healing Time and Enhances Bone Strength Both by 30%
Date: 24/7/2015
The Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) recently developed an innovative bone implant by combining biodegradable magnesium (Mg) and conventional metals, which can be used for bone fixation in patients with osteoporotic fractures. With positive results in pre-clinical studies, the new material and design have proved not only able to reduce the healing time and enhance the strength of the fractured bone, both by 30%, but also possibly avoid a second fracture. The result of this research has recently been awarded a silver medal in the 43rd International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. With the support from the Collaborative Research Fund of the Research Grants Council, the innovation is expected to be applied to osteoporotic-related bone fracture after verification through clinical studies in the future.
Since 2009, The Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at CUHK has been investigating the use of Mg in the development of biodegradable implants fixation, designed for treatment of osteoporotic bone fractures and related orthopedic applications.
The research team revealed that Mg-based bone screws share similar mechanical properties with human bone and are biodegradable in the human body. In addition, Mg’s bone formation function promotes healing at the bone fracture. Pre-clinical studies showed that Mg-based implant can shorten healing time and improve bone strength of the fractured bone, both by 30%. With the application of Mg screws, the number of holes left after implant removal surgery will be reduced, thus a second fracture may be avoided.
The principal investigator, Professor Qin Ling, Professor (non-clinical), Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK pointed out, ‘Our team discovered that the magnesium ions degraded from the Mg-based orthopedic implant stimulate the release of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), an osteoanabolic peptide, from the periosteum in long bones. CGRP promotes the osteogenic differentiation of the pluripotent periosteum-derived stem cells (PDSCs) to form new bone and replace the hole left by degraded Mg-based implants. Therefore, Mg-based implant accelerates and enhances bone healing. Besides, magnesium is relatively cheap. The use of Mg-based implants is estimated to decrease material costs by 50%. If the new implants are applied to a clinical setting, the cost of related health care may be significantly reduced in the long run. [ More ]
3D Imaging System to Help Orthopaedic Patients
Date: 24/7/2015
The Faculty of Medicine of CUHK recently introduced the low dose EOS 2D/3D imaging system, one of the state-of-the-art imaging technologies to enhance orthopaedic diagnosis and attain optimal treatment. The new system commenced service at the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) in June 2015. It not only generates 3D images automatically for more accurate assessment of the patient’s condition, but also shortens half of the check-up time, with the radiation dosage produced 90% less than that of the conventional X-ray.
As one of the referral centers for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients, PWH has about 1,000 new cases and 3,000 follow-up cases each year. Many of these patients require X-ray examination every half year to monitor their spinal growth and treatment progress, and some may even need life-long follow-up. The new system can avoid exposing patients to large radiation doses repeatedly under conventional X-ray. Other patients will also benefit from the new system, such as adults with spinal problems, those who undergo total hip and knee replacement surgery, and people with leg length discrepancy. [ More ]
Prof KM Chan visited Dept of Orthopaedics, Stanford University, USA (June 16-17, 2015)
Date: 3/7/2015
Prof KM Chan was invited by Stanford University to give a lecture on “ACL Surgery-Where are the Missing Gaps?” to the Sports Division of Dept of Orthopaedics Surgery at the Stanford University Outpatient Medical Centre on June 16, 2015.
He also gave another presentation on “SMART to MRN – A Global Platform in Search for an Ultimate Solution to Intriguing Tendinopathies” during the Stanford University Orthopaedic Department Grand Rounds on June 17, 2015 at the LI Ka Shing Centre For Learning, Main Campus, Stanford University.
Both lectures were well received by the orthopaedic surgeons of Stanford University. [ More ]
CUHK delegates visit Odense University Hospital and MOU Signing (June 3-5, 2015)
Date: 3/7/2015
Prof KM Chan, Prof G Li, Prof L Qin and Dr Bruma Fu of Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, CUHK visited Odense University Hopsital , University of Southern Denmark during June 3-5.
On June 4, Prof KM Chan, the Convenor of SMART Program, LCW Institute of Innovative Medicine and Chair Professor of Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, has signed an agreement with Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark on the collaborative programme on musculoskeletal research and regenerative medicine. [ More ]
Open Lecture given by Dr. ZHANG Min Jie and organized by Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Date: 11/6/2015
From Degeneration to Regeneration
Dr. ZHANG Min Jie (PhD, Howard Hughs Medical Institute, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA)
17 June 2015 (Wednesday)
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
Open Lecture given by Prof. James HUI and organized by Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Date: 24/4/2015
Clinician (Surgeon) Scientist: Facts or Fiction?
Prof. James HUI (Head & Senior Consultant, Division of Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National University Hospital, Singapore)
12 May 2015 (Tuesday)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
Annual Lunch 2015
Date: 27/2/2015
The 2015 Annual Lunch was successfully held on 27 Feb 15. There were over 200 guests and fellows and we all had a wonderful time. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Open Lecture given by Prof. Connie M. WEAVER and organized by Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Date: 27/1/2015
Peak Bone Mass: the determinants and the implications (with respect to osteoporosis in late adulthood)
Prof. Connie M. WEAVER (Distinguished Professor and Department Head cum Director, Women's Global Health Institute, Purdue University, US.)
27 January 2015 (Tuesday)
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital
4th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Date: 17/11/2014
4th CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine was successfully held on 17-18 Nov 14. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture cum Symposium on “Cutting Edge in Knee Surgery”
Date: 13/11/2014
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture “ACL: Tunnel Vision” by Prof. Mark David Miller of Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, School of Medicine. University of Virginia has been successfully held on Nov 13, 2014 (Thu) evening at the Seminar Room, 2/F Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building, Prince of Wales Hospital.
Dr. Miller is an internationally renowned expert in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. His practice focuses primarily on knee and shoulder arthroscopy and complex reconstructions. He has authored over 140 peer reviewed articles and 25 textbooks, including the best-selling text, Review of Orthopaedics, now in its Sixth Edition, which is also popularly used by many of our Orthopaedics fellows and trainees in Hong Kong.
In conjunction with the Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Public Lecture, the Symposium on “Cutting Edge in Knee Surgery” has also been organized, in which Prof. Benjamin Ma from University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and Prof. Ryosuke Kuroda from Kobe University, have joined us and delivered insightful lectures on “Cartilage Resurfacing -Have we figure that out yet?”and “Meniscus - Preserve the future” respectively. Both Prof. Ma & Prof. Kuroda are reputed international Orthopaedic Sports Medicine experts and we all feel excited about their sharing on top-notch knowledge and skills in Knee surgery.
The public lecture and the symposium, with attendance over 120, were well received by not only Orthopaedic surgeons but also undergraduate medical students, postgraduate students as well as our research staff. [ More ]
Hong Kong International Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar 2014
Date: 8/11/2014
Hong Kong International Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar 2014 was successfully held on 8 Nov 14. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
CUHK Orientation Day 2014
Date: 18/10/2014
CUHK Orientation day 2014 was successfully held on 18 Oct 14. We have demonstrated our three main areas including teaching, research and clinical services to the prospective applicants. Here are some of the highlights of the O&T booth. [ More ]
20th International Bone Densitometry Workshop 2014
Date: 13/10/2014
20th International Bone Densitometry Workshop 2014 was successfully held on 13-17 Oct 14. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
International Symposium on the Applications of 3-D Printing (Rapid Prototyping) in Orthopaedics
Date: 20/9/2014
The International Symposium on the Applications of 3-D Printing (Rapid Prototyping) in Orthopaedics was successfully held on 20 Sep 14. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Annual Lunch 2014
Date: 14/2/2014
The 2014 Annual Lunch was successfully held on 14 Feb 14, Double Valentine' s Day!! We all had a wonderful time with over 200 guests and fellows. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
30th Anniversary of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Symposium
Date: 7/12/2013
The 30th Anniversary of the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology Symposium was successfully held on 7 Dec 13 and we all had a wonderful day. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Asian Federation of Foot & Ankle Surgeons 5th Scientific Meeting and Hong Kong Foot & Ankle Society 1st Scientific Meeting
Date: 30/11/2013
We are pleased to tell the “Asian Federation of Foot & Ankle Surgeons 5th Scientific Meeting and Hong Kong Foot & Ankle Society 1st Scientific Meeting” was successfully held on 30 Nov 2013. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
Work Rehabilitation Workshop
Date: 25/11/2013
We are pleased to tell that the “Work Rehehabilitation Workshop” was successfully held on 25 Nov 2013. [ More ]
HKOA 2013 Pre-congress
Date: 22/11/2013
The HKOA 2013 Pre-congress was successfully held on 22 Nov 13. [ More ]
3rd International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Date: 11/11/2013
We are pleased to tell that the “3rd International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine” was successfully held on 11 Nov 2013. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
SMART 2013
Date: 5/10/2013
SMART Convention & Expo 2013 was successfully held on 5 Oct 2013 at the School of Public Health and Primary Care Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital. Themed with "Soccer for Health", the seventh year of SMART Convention & Expo has well attracted over 900 person-time from the public as well as professionals from the sports industry. Please feel free to visit our photo gallery to refresh the memorable moments of the SMART Convention & Expo 2013! Love Sports, Play SMART. [ More ]
30th Anniversary of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Date: 7/12/2013
We are happy to announce that 2013 is the 30th anniversary of the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology. To celebrate this great milestone, we will have a series of events, e.g. one day scientific symposium, photo competition, etc. Please find more detail at the event's Facebook page. [ More ]
The AOSSM - APKASS Traveling Fellows Symposium & Trimonthly meeting of HKOA-Sports Medicine Chapter (11/6/2013)
Date: 10/6/2013
We are pleased to tell that the “The AOSSM - APKASS Traveling Fellows Symposium & Trimonthly meeting of HKOA-Sports Medicine Chapter” was successfully held on 10 Jun 2013. [ More ]
Symposium on Special Seating, Wheeled Mobility and Advanced Technology – Multidisciplinary Integrated Approach from Hospital to Community
Date: 22/2/2013
We are pleased to tell that the “Symposium on Special Seating, Wheeled Mobility and Advanced Technology – Multidisciplinary Integrated Approach from Hospital to Community (In Celebration of 17th Anniversary of Cathay Pacific Wheelchair Bank)” was successfully held on 22 & 23 Feb 2013. [ More ]
Annual Dinner 2013
Date: 19/2/2013
The 2013 Annual Dinner was successfully held on 19 Feb. It was a very special night especially this year is also the 30th anniversary of the Department of O&T. No doubt we all had an unforgettable night with our honorable guests, fellows, and old friends! [ More ]
Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lecutre by Professor Justin P Cobb
Date: 30/11/2012
We are delighted to have invited Professor Justin P Cobb, Chair Professor in Orthopaedics, Imperial College London to give us a Wu Jieh Yee Visiting Professor Lecture on 30 November 2012. [ More ]
2nd International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Date: 20/11/2012
2nd International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine was successfully held on 20 Nov 2012. Here are some of the highlights. [ More ]
CUHK Orientation Day 2012
Date: 27/10/2012
CUHK Orientation day 2012 was successfully held on 27 Oct 2012, here are some of the highlights of the O&T booth.
For the whole CUHK, it is well attended by well over 60,000 visitors. [ More ]
Annual Dinner 2012
Date: 31/1/2012
The 2012 Annual Dinner was successfully held on 31 Jan 12 at Shatin Grand Capital Banquet Hall and we all had an unforgettable night with our guests and fellows. Here are some highlights. [ More ]
1st International Symposium for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Date: 6/12/2011
1st CUHK International Symposium on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine was held on 6 Dec 2011 at The Auditorium, Prince of Wales Hospital New Building, Shatin, Hong Kong. More information is available here. [ More ]
CUHK Orientation Day 2011
Date: 27/10/2011
"Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admission 2011" was held on 27 Oct 2011. We have demonstrated our three main areas including teaching, research and clinical services to the prospective applicants. The event was enthusiastically attended by students and parents – a huge interest in our work!! Attached some of the highlights of the event. [ More ]
2011 Department Research Day
Date: 11/3/2011
2011 Department Research Day was held in Prince of Wales Hospital on 11-12 March 2011. More than hundred of attendances participated this event. [ More ]
Annual dinner 2011
Date: 9/2/2011
The 2011 Annual Dinner was successfully held on 9 Feb 11 at Shatin Grand Capital Banquet Hall and we all had a wonderful night with over 200 guests and fellows. We also enjoyed a great performance by Dr. Bobby NG and his band. It was a most pleasurable evening. [ More ]
Information sessions of M.Sc. / Pg.D. courses in Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Orthopaedic Learning Centre, ACAOS-ITAV and Bone Quality and Health Assessment Centre have successfully acquired the re-accreditation to ISO 9001:2008.
A Joint International Chinese Hard Tissue Society (ICHTS) and Chinese Speaking Orthopaedic Society (CSOS) Program
Date: 28/7/2010
A Joint International Chinese Hard Tissue Society (ICHTS) and Chinese Speaking Orthopaedic Society (CSOS) Program was organized by Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology on 28 July 2010 and Dr. Randy Levinson, Nature Medicine Senior Editor had a keynote presentation. [ More ]
2010 Department Research Day
Date: 2/7/2010
2010 Department Research Day will be held in Room 301, 3/F, Li Ka Shing Medical Sciences Building, Prince of Wales Hospital on 7 July 2010.
2010 Hong Kong International Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar
Date: 1/4/2010
2010 Hong Kong International Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar will be held in Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, CUHK on 27-29 Oct 2010 [ Flyer ][ Registration Form ]
Annual dinner 2010
Date: 24/2/2010
The 2010 Annual Dinner was successfully held on 24 Feb 10 and we all had a wonderful night with our guests and fellows. Highlight of the Programme: Dr PC Ho had kindly taken up to design the programme along the theme of "Service, Excellence and Community", supported by Dr Patrick Yung and Miss Yu Chui Yee. The three of them are our proud colleagues who are “Outstanding Young Person (十大傑出青年)”. Great experience were shared and performaned by them along with some other friends who share the same honor. Dr Fung Hong performed with Dr PC Ho and Dr M Mak on their favorite tune. It was a most enlightening evening. [ More ]
Press Conference - An Innovation of Vibration Platform: Improves Functions and Structures of the Human Musculoskeletal System
Date: 2/11/2009
An innovative vibration platform has been developed that could prevent and improve osteoporosis and related diseases by employing low-magnitude and high-frequency whole-body vibration (LMHFV). The vibration platform also improves blood circulation, relieves pressure and other muscle and bone problems, such as low back pain and poor balance due to degeneration in muscles and neurological diseases. By matching the natural frequency of the human body, the platform provides mechanical stimulation to improve the musculoskeletal system. [ More ]
SMART Convention 2009
Date: 19/9/2009
The Sports Medicine And Rehabilitation Therapy Convention, SMART Convention 2009, will be held at the Postgraduate Education Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on Sep 19, 2009. [ More ]
Guests Lecture - Traditional Chinese Medicine & Rehabilitation – Concepts and Practice
Date: 16/9/2009
You are cordially invited to join the Guests Lecture – Traditional Chinese Medicine & Rehabilitation – Concepts and Practice will be held on 16 September 2009 (Wed) at SR2 (Rm 303), 3/F, Li Ka Shing Medical Sciences Building, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T. [ More ]
Press Conference - CUHK New Research: Each Step Improves Bone Health ─ A New Concept of Shoe-wearing for the Elderly
Inappropriate footwear has been identified as one of the major reasons of fall and related injuries among the elderly. Development and manufacturing of fall prevention shoes to reduce the risks of fall among the elderly is critical. The Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has designed the fall prevention shoes to cater for this specific needs. [ More ]